Planning English around the world

Lesson goal: I know words that are related to cultures, customs, traditions, and storytelling and I can use them correctly.

Listen to the theme words
Do ex 10a/b + 11,12,14,15 (page 14)
Check your answers

Homework: Study words A+B on page 48. Study also the irregular verbs (at the end of this book)

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Lesson goal: I know words that are related to cultures, customs, traditions, and storytelling and I can use them correctly.

Listen to the theme words
Do ex 10a/b + 11,12,14,15 (page 14)
Check your answers

Homework: Study words A+B on page 48. Study also the irregular verbs (at the end of this book)

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Lesson goal:  I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Do the before reading ex 17 together
Look at the text and do ex 18a
Read the text "Look at Villains with British accents". Do ex  18b
Do ex 19+20
Check the questions
Do ex 24 (page 24) + speaking ex 25

Homework: Study words A,B,C of chapter 3 on page 48

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Do the cito listening & watching 2018-2019
Take the book with exams from the table and do a reading text 
You can choose which one

Homework: Study words A,B,C of chapter 3 on page 48

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Lesson goal:  I can use a, an, and the correctly.

Explanation grammar 6 "a, an, the"
Go to LessonUp
Do ex 28/29 about the grammar (page 27)
Check your answers

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D + grammar 6 of chapter 3 on page 48

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Explanation important things for preparing reading exam
Read some texts of questions you find difficult
Come and get the answers
Tips and tricks

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D +  grammar 6 on page 48 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Practise the new questions in Woots together
Go to the site and do ex 28/29 of E (a, an, the)

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3. Practise cito listening/watching tests on woots

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Go to LessonUp
Do the Christmas quiz
Fill in the slides

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Go to LessonUp
Watch the video
Answer the questions 
Finished? Do the speaking assignment about Christmas

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Practise the new questions in Woots together
Finished? Finish the Christmas speaking assignment
Or practise the words

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3. Practise cito listening/watching tests on woots

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Go to LessonUp (speaking)
Open the "Would you rather" speaking assignment
Choose the statement that you would rather want and explain why you choose that one
Finished? Spin the wheel and answer the questions or take out some cards and describe what's on the card

Homework: Study words A on page 48

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Lesson goal: I can understand specific information in a magazine article.

Explanation how to deal with difficult words (page 34)
Read the text
Do ex 41,42,43
Check the answers

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G, H on page 48 + grammar of chapter 3. Practise cito listening/watching tests on woots

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Lesson goal I can use past tenses (past simple, past continuous and present perfect) in a sentence.

Go to LessonUp
Explanation past simple/past continuous
Explanation past simple/present perfect
Do the extra exercises

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G+H on page 48 + grammar 6+7 of chapter 3. Practise some extra listening/watching in woots

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Do the cito listening & watching test (2022/2023)

Finished? Open your book on page 42. Do ex 53a, b, c + 54a+b
Go to page 39. Do ex 46a
Check the answers

Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 3

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Lesson goal I can use past tenses (past simple, past continuous and present perfect) in a sentence.

Repetition grammar
Open your book on page 42. Do ex 53a, b, c + 54a+b
Go to page 39. Do ex 46a
Check the answers
Finished? Go to LessonUp (grammar). At the end of the presentation, you will find some links to extra material (past simple/past continuous/present perfect)

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G+H on page 48 + grammar 6+7 of chapter 3

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Open SOM, go to Woots
Do the cito listening test 2017-2018

Who wants to do it together?
Finished? Take your reading books and do some ex
Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G on page 48 + grammar 6 of chapter 3

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Watch Extreme cheapskates
Answer the questions
Discuss the answers

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Open SOM, go to Woots
Do the cito video test 2017-2018
Finished? Go to LessonUp (grammar). At the end of the presentation, you will find some links to extra material (past simple/past continuous/present perfect)

Homework: Study words A,B,C,D+G+H on page 48 + grammar 6+7 of chapter 3

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Open your book on page 140
Read the strategies and do the ex 1+2
Do ex 3+4+5+6
Discuss the answers

Slide 19 - Tekstslide