6.3: The rise of the -isms

6.3: The rise of the -isms
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In deze les zitten 37 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 3 videos.

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6.3: The rise of the -isms

Slide 1 - Tekstslide


Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Source 3: "het tikken op de harde mannenkoppen helpt dus eindelijk.”

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Which -ism is represented in source 3?

Slide 4 - Quizvraag


  • Explain how after 1848, a parliamentary government could develop in the Netherlands
  • You can describe different isms (conservatism, liberalism, confessionalism, feminism) in your own words and explain it to your neighbour.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Lodewijk XVI and Marie Antoinette

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

 French Revolution 1789-1793

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

French revolution

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Positive outcomes
Code Napoleon:
  • Napoleon's Code
  • Treat all people equally
  • Everyone has the right to a fair trial
  • Conscription (= dienstplicht)

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In 1815 Napoleon is defeated .

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Koning Willem-Alexander

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Slide 15 - Video

The rule of William I (1815-1840)
He wanted the kingdom to become a modern industrialised country --> Invested in the infrastructure

Problem → Belgium, because:
  • They were forced to speak Dutch
  • There were more Dutch representatives and ministers than Belgium
  • They had to help pay the Dutch debt
  • They were catholic, while the Netherlands was mainly protestant

In 1830 they rebelled and became independent (officially 1830, but William I recognized it in 1839).

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Slide 17 - Video

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4. What were the differences between the southern and the northern provinces of the Netherlands?
focus on trade
French is spoken
Dutch is spoken
focus on industry

Slide 19 - Sleepvraag

The rule of William II (1840-1849)
The revolutionary year of 1848→ in many countries in Europe rebellions broke out. People demanded constitutional reform (an adjustment to the constitution). 

William II has to decide → stay conservative or become more liberal?

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

5. In 1848 a new revolution broke out in several European capitals.
Rioters demanded constitutional reform.

What does that mean?
Their country did not have a constitution but the rioters wanted one.
Their country had a constitution but it did not limit the king's power and give the people basic rights.
The people wanted to reform the constitution to give the monarch more power.
Their country had a constitution but it was based on Enlightenment ideas.

Slide 21 - Quizvraag

  • Potato famine:  food shortages and diseases cause a crisis in Western Europe. 
  • Revolts happen: In France the king is even dethroned!
  • Riots take place in Dutch cities. 
  • William II decides to let Thorbecke change the constitution (1848).

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

  • The king is scared of a revolution
  • So Johan Rudolf Thorbecke revises the constitution in 1848.

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Slide 24 - Video

After 1848:

Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy (kingdom with constitution)

King is inviolable

Ministerial responsibility

Slide 25 - Tekstslide


  • Explain how after 1848, a parliamentary government could develop in the Netherlands
  • You can describe different isms (socialism, liberalism, confessionalism, feminism) in your own words and explain it to your neighbour.

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Do exercise 4 and 5 par 6.3

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

8. Put the events in the correct chronological order
King William I was succeeded by his son King William II.
William II stopped being a conservative.
France became a republic for the second time
Revolutions broke out all over Europe.
Belgium became independent.

Slide 28 - Sleepvraag

-Ism assignment

Read in you textbook what  liberalism, socialism, feminism and confessionalism is

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What is Confessionalism

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1. Freedom for the individual leads to a better society. 
2. The government should not make too many rules and only play a small role in the lives of people.
3. Separation of church and state, 
4. Separation of power between the government, judges and parliament (Trias Politica).

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What is Socialism?
A political and economic system in which equality is important.
What did socialists want to achieve?
The government should
• Regulate free market
• Reduce exploitation by factory owners
• Protect workers through laws
• Give workers more rights (vote)
• Put institutions (banks/transportations/factories)in common ownership
How did they try to achieve this?
• By uniting in trade unions
• By organising strikes/demonstrations/protests
• By establishing political parties
What did they achieve?
• Politicians sent commissions to visit factories and check conditions
• Social laws (poverty law, law against child labour, laws about working hours/wages)
• Eventually in The Netherlands they would achieve voting rights for all men in 1917, and for women in 1919.
Important socialists
• Robert Owen (considered one of the founders)
• Karl Marx (considered one of the founders)
• Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (Dutch socialist)

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  • France becomes a republic again
  • In The Hague the king fears for his life
  • So, in 1848, King Willem II turns from a conservative into a liberal overnight.
liberals & socialists: main differences:

  • NO government influence in the economy.
  • success is your own responsibility (take care of yourself)
  • Government must influence the economy (social laws) 
  • the weak should not be left to take care for themselves.

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

Categorizing Political Movements
Read the following statements carefully. Write down which movement each statement belongs to: confessionalism, feminism, liberalism, or socialism.

After categorizing, ask students to come up with one example of a standpoint that fits each movement. This encourages them to think more deeply about the characteristics of the movements.

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1. "The government should interfere as little as possible in the lives of citizens. Individual freedom is the most important."
2. "Men and women should have equal rights and opportunities in all parts of society."
3. "The government should ensure good social welfare systems and more equality between rich and poor."
4. "Decisions in politics and society should be based on the Bible or other religious principles."

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Do exercise 6,7 and 8
Done? Design a poster for the good cause: socialism, confessionalism, liberalism.
Nice design and 3 statements
Use the internet for inspiration?

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