B2B - 12 september

Recap last lesson
Words and expressions of 1.3
Menu in a restaurant
1 / 23
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EnglishMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 23 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Recap last lesson
Words and expressions of 1.3
Menu in a restaurant

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Close your laptop
We will be using LessonUp later on but first we are going to work on paper

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

  • Quiet and calm; listen to your teacher and classmates
  • Raise your hand 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Schedule for today:
  • Menu in a restaurant (10 minutes)
  • Speaking exercise (15 minutes)
  •  Study (10 minutes)
  • Exercises (10 minutes)
  • Homework (15 minutes)

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Design your menu
With your neighbour - design three dishes for a restaurant

For this assignment you use:
  • At least three ingredients in each dish
  • Use the vocabulary of 1.3 speaking (page 42 and 43)

You have 10 minutes to create your menu before we move on to the next assignment
Done? Study the expressions on page 43

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Design your menu
You and your neighbour are going to act out a conversation in a restaurant.

One is the customer the other the waiter.
Done? Swap roles and do it again. 

You can write the conversation on the back of the menu if you like

You have 10 minutes

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Conversation with the teacher
Anyone brave enough?

Slide 7 - Tekstslide


Take 10 minutes to study the vocabulary and expressions of 1.3 speaking
(page 42 and 43 of your book)
And study the
Present Simple/Present continuous

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Log into LessonUp
And close your books
Time for a recap and to prepare for the Test Yourself of 1.3

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Present Simple
Present continuous
Een gewoonte die vaker terug komt
At this moment
To be + hele werkwoord + -ing
Een actie die nu aan de gang is
Hele werkwoord (+ -s)

Slide 10 - Sleepvraag

Present Simple
Present continuous
Jim eats an apple every day
I'm walking my dog
I usually swim on mondays
We're sitting outside

Slide 11 - Sleepvraag

I ..... my car as we speak
am cleaning

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

She ..... in her journal every day
is writing

Slide 13 - Quizvraag

They usually ..... on Friday
go out
goes out
are going out

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

Write down the expression
Ik zou dat graag willen bestellen

Slide 15 - Open vraag

Write down the expression
Wat kunt u aanbevelen?

Slide 16 - Open vraag

Write down the expression
De stoofpot bevat rundvlees en champignons

Slide 17 - Open vraag

Write down the expression
Houd het wisselgeld maar

Slide 18 - Open vraag

On the house

Slide 19 - Open vraag


Slide 20 - Open vraag


Slide 21 - Open vraag


Slide 22 - Open vraag

Online in All Right!
1.3 speaking exercise 7 + Test Yourself

Slide 23 - Tekstslide