Formal vs. Informal writing

Formal vs. Informal writing
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1-4

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Formal vs. Informal writing

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Slide 2 - Video

  • When writing to someone you do not know, a company or someone of status (like a manager). 

  • Formal language use, such as: Dear Sir/Madam, Kind Regards, 

  • Examples: cover letter (motivatiebrief), writing an e-mail to a company. 
  • When writing to someone you know (friend, family member, acquaintance, etc.).

  • Informal language use:
    Dear [name], Hello [name], Bye!, See you soon, Best wishes, 

  • Examples: personal letter, a postcard. 

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Formal writing
Opening phrases: 
- When you do not know the last name of the person you're writing to, use "Dear Sir/Madam,"
- When you know the last name of the person you're writing to, use "Dear Mister ...,  / Dear Mr. ...," for a man and "Dear Miss ...,/Dear Ms. ...," for a woman. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Giving a reason for writing
After greeting the person you're writing to, you're going to explain why you're writing. For example, use:

I am writing .... (to ask you/to inform you/to respond to/ in response to, etc.)
I am writing in response to your job posting on LinkedIn.

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Formal writing
Closing phrases: 
- Kind Regards, 
- Yours faithfully, 
- Yours sincerely, 

Personally, I always use "Kind Regards". It's easiest to try to memorize one option and use that one. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Informal writing
Opening phrases:
- Dear ...,
- Hello ...,
- Hi ..., 

Closing phrases: 
- Best wishes, ... 
- Bye, ... 
- See you soon, ...
Start your letter/e-mail with sentences like: 
- How are you? I hope you're doing well. 
- It was great to see you last week. 
- Thank you for sending me an e-mail.

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