WF2 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2

WF2 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
1. Understand the expected patterns of babies’ and children’s
development from conception to 7 years old

2. Understand key milestones for holistic
development from birth to 7 years

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Early yearsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

In deze les zitten 27 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 240 min

Onderdelen in deze les

WF2 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
1. Understand the expected patterns of babies’ and children’s
development from conception to 7 years old

2. Understand key milestones for holistic
development from birth to 7 years

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Readiness to Learn
Notes to be taken
bags and coats to hang up - Health and Safety
Water only 
lanyards to be worn

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Urgent - Part timers
Hand in work
WF1, WF5, WF6, WF4  should now be handed in for marking 
Your portfolio should be at least 25 % complete

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Maths starter
Lisa sees this advert in her local paper.
She agrees to deliver 2500 leaflets.

It will take her 10.5 hours to deliver the leaflets.
She decides to ask her friends Tilly and Kai to help her deliver the leaflets.
They each deliver an equal number of leaflets in an equal amount of time.
How long will it take Lisa, Tilly and Kai to deliver the leaflets

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Maths Starter

• Flapjacks - £3.49 per pack
• Apples - £2.50 per pack
• Rice Cakes - £1.99 per pack
Frankie is buying healthy snacks.
They have the following prices:

They decide to buy two packs of rice
cakes, one pack of flapjacks and one
pack of apples.
How much will this cost?

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Recap Last Lesson we .........
Using your notes - what did we cover last lesson?

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WF1 2.1  Reflect on prior learning and experience as appropriate to describe the role of the early years
educator in the following aspects:
● confidentiality
● information-sharing
● use of technology
● referring development concerns
● protecting self (for example, media and online presence)
● staff health and safety, including mental
● health and wellbeing support and supervision
Today we will........
1.1 Identify stages of human development from conception to birth
1.2 Identify sequences of normative patterns of development in babies and children from birth to 7 years of age to include:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social, and emotional development
2.1 Define the term holistic development
2.2 Describe holistic development from birth to 7 years with regard to:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social and emotional development

Set yourself a target of what you would like to achieve today

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Learning Outcome 1
1.1 Identify stages of human development from conception to birth

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an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
Research - Activity 1.1
Create a document to support an Early years practitioner to identify stages of human development from conception to birth

Be prepared to share

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Resources to be used
NHS - Pregnancy guide 
You tube 

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Conception (Week 1-2)
• Sperm fertilizes an egg, forming a zygote.
• Zygote travels down the fallopian tube, undergoing rapid cell division.
• Implantation occurs in the uterus.

Germinal Stage (Week 3-4)
• Zygote becomes a blastocyst and embeds in the uterine wall.
• Placenta begins forming, providing nutrients and oxygen.
• Cells start differentiating into specialized functions.

Embryonic Stage (Week 5-10)
• Major organs and systems develop.
• Heart starts beating (week 6).
• Limb buds and facial features form.
• Neural tube closes.
• Vulnerable to environmental influences.

Fetal Stage (Week 11-40)
Rapid growth and organ refinement.
• By week 12, movement begins.
• By week 16, facial expressions develop.
• By week 24, survival outside the womb is possible.
• Brain and senses develop.

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Learning Outcome 2
1.2 Identify sequences of normative patterns of development in babies and children from birth to 7 years of age to include:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social, and emotional development

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an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
Research - Activity
Create a document to support an Early years practitioner to 
Use a chart, table or timeline to Identify sequences of normative patterns of development in babies and children from birth to 7 years of age to include:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social, and emotional development

Be prepared to share

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• within 36 hours of fertilisation, the single cell divides – this is known as the zygote – the zygote continues to divide to form the morula – the morula leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus
• by 4 weeks, the cells are referred to as the embryo – the placenta develops
• at 5 weeks, the brain and spinal cord develop as the neural tube – brain circulation begins and the heart starts to develop
• at 7 weeks, the brain develops distinct areas – ears and eyes begin to form and ‘limb buds’ appear (early arm and leg development)
• by 9 weeks, the baby is referred to as a foetus – the face forms, hands and feet grow and there are early signs of fingers and toes developing
• at 12 weeks, the baby is fully formed, including organs and structures
• by 20 weeks, the head and body size are more in proportion – the eyebrows and eyelashes begin to form
• by 26 weeks, the baby’s eyelids open and lanugo is present
• by 29 weeks, the heartbeat can be heard and vernix is present
• by 32 to 40 weeks, the baby turns downwards and engages in preparation for birth

Group Activity - 1.2
Split into small groups and assign each group an age range:
Birth to 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
5 to 7 years
You will research and outline the stages and sequences of child development in their given age range, focusing on:
Cognitive development
Neurological and brain development
Speech, language, and communication
Physical development
Personal, social, and emotional development


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Resources to be used
NHS - Pregnancy guide 
You tube 
• Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework
• Development Matters
• Birth to 5 Matters

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Learning Outcome 3
2.1 Define the term holistic development
2.2 Describe holistic development from birth to seven years, with regard to:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social and emotional development

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an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.
The importance of holistic development for any activity 
Holistic development refers to the approach of nurturing all aspects of a child's growth—physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and communication skills—as interconnected and equally important. Instead of focusing on one area in isolation, holistic development recognises that children learn and develop through a combination of experiences, interactions, and influences from their environment, including caregivers, educators, and peers.
As children grow and develop, their play becomes more meaningful, the often progress in all areas in developmental stages. 
It is important to consider that 1 activity will support numerous areas of development, this is known an interlinked development.

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Key Aspects of Holistic Development:
Physical Development – Growth in fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and overall health.
Cognitive Development – Thinking, problem-solving, memory, and understanding of concepts.
Speech, Language, and Communication – Expressing thoughts, understanding language, and social interactions.
Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (PSED) – Self-awareness, confidence, managing emotions, and forming relationships.

Why is Holistic Development Important?
Encourages a well-rounded child – Supporting multiple areas ensures children are prepared for lifelong learning.
Promotes independence and resilience – Children learn to navigate challenges in different aspects of their lives.
Reflects real-life learning – Development does not happen in isolation; skills are applied in different contexts.
Supports long-term success – A balanced approach leads to better academic, social, and emotional outcomes.

Holistic Development in Practice:
Using play-based learning to enhance multiple skills at once (e.g., a role-play activity that builds language, social, and problem-solving skills).
Encouraging parental engagement to extend learning beyond the classroom.
Implementing multi-sensory experiences to stimulate various areas of development simultaneously (e.g., sensory play for touch, speech, and fine motor skills).
Following the EYFS framework, which promotes a well-rounded approach to early years education.

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Exploring natural objects in a treasure basket
How does this activity support all areas of development?

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1. Physical Development (EYFS Prime Area)
📌 What it Includes:

Gross motor skills (crawling, walking, running, jumping).
Fine motor skills (grasping, holding, mark-making, cutting).
Hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.
Health and self-care (feeding, toileting, dressing).
📌 EYFS Links:
✔ Physical Development – Moving and Handling, Health and Self-Care.

📌 Example Activity:
🔹 Obstacle course – Encourages gross motor skills, balance, and coordination.

📌 Parental Involvement:
🔹 Encouraging outdoor play, tummy time for babies, fine motor activities (e.g., playdough, threading).
2. Cognitive Development (EYFS Specific Area: Understanding the World & Mathematics)
📌 What it Includes:
Problem-solving, reasoning, and memory.
Understanding patterns, numbers, and concepts.
Creativity, exploration, and curiosity.
📌 EYFS Links:
✔ Understanding the World – Exploring, observing, and problem-solving.
✔ Mathematics – Developing an early understanding of numbers, space, and measurement.
📌 Example Activity:
🔹 Treasure baskets for babies – Encourages exploration and cognitive connections.
🔹 Sorting and counting objects – Develops early numeracy skills.
📌 Parental Involvement:
🔹 Everyday problem-solving activities (e.g., setting the table, recognizing shapes in the environment).

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3. Speech, Language, and Communication (EYFS Prime Area)
📌 What it Includes:
Babbling, first words, sentence formation.
Expressing needs and emotions.
Understanding and following instructions.
📌 EYFS Links:
✔ Communication and Language – Listening and attention, understanding, speaking.
✔ Literacy – Reading, phonics, mark-making.
📌 Example Activity:
🔹 Storytelling and nursery rhymes – Supports vocabulary and comprehension.
🔹 Role-play and puppet play – Encourages expressive communication.

📌 Parental Involvement:
🔹 Reading together, singing songs, and engaging in conversations.
4. Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (PSED – EYFS Prime Area)
📌 What it Includes:
Forming relationships with adults and peers.
Recognising and regulating emotions.
Developing confidence and independence.
📌 EYFS Links:
✔ Personal, Social, and Emotional Development (PSED) – Self-confidence, managing feelings, building relationships.
📌 Example Activity:
🔹 Turn-taking games – Promotes social skills and emotional regulation.
🔹 Emotion cards – Helps children recognize and name feelings.
📌 Parental Involvement:
🔹 Encouraging independence (e.g., letting children make small choices).
🔹 Role-modelling positive social interactions.

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5. Holistic Development in Action (EYFS Cross-Linking)
To fully embrace a holistic approach, activities should integrate multiple areas of learning.

📌 Example: Sensory Play (Water Play with Floating Objects)
✔ Physical: Fine motor skills (scooping, pouring).
✔ Cognitive: Understanding floating and sinking.
✔ Speech & Language: Naming objects, describing what happens.
✔ PSED: Sharing materials, turn-taking.
✔ Mathematics: Counting objects, exploring volume and capacity.

📌 Parental Involvement:
🔹 Encouraging similar play at home (e.g., bath time sensory play).

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Writing  Activity  - 2.1  
2.1 Define the term holistic development

Now write

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Group Activity  - 2.1 & 2.2
 Select one activity/experience that aligns with their age range to support holistic development 
(e.g., treasure baskets for babies, role play for toddlers, mark-making for pre-schoolers).

you will  justify their choice using the EYFS framework.

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Did we achieve......
1.1 Identify stages of human development from conception to birth
1.2 Identify sequences of normative patterns of development in babies and children from birth to 7 years of age to include:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social, and emotional development
2.1 Define the term holistic development
2.2 Describe holistic development from birth to 7 years with regard to:
• cognitive
• neurological and brain development
• speech, language and communication development
• physical
• personal, social and emotional development
Set yourself a target of what you would like to achieve today

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What have you learnt today?

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Next week we will .....
3.1 Summarise theories around attachment Implementation 
3.2 Explain the significance of attachment in relation to the key person approach
3.3 Analyse how attachment influences babies’ and children’s social world, including maintaining relationships, and underpins their holistic development
3.4 Identify ways babies’ and children’s learning and development can be affected by their individual circumstances and significant events in their lives, including biological and
environmental factors
3.5 Summarise the impact of planned and unplanned change, transitions and significant life events on babies’ and children’s current development and learning needs

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