Type of immunity & vaccines

Type of immunity & vaccines
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BiologyFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

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Type of immunity & vaccines

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Maternal antibodies pass to fetus across placenta or to baby in breast milk.
Immunity lasts for a few months.
Natural passive
Natural active
Artificial passive
Artificial active

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Immune response to infection with pathogen.
Person may become ill and develop symptoms. Long-term immunity.

Natural passive
Natural active
Artificial passive
Artificial active

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Immune response to a vaccine containing dead or weakened pathogen or a preparation of antigens.
Long-term immunity but boosters may be required.
Natural passive
Natural active
Artificial passive
Artificial active

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Injection of antibodies from another source (e.g. in serum).
Provides temporary immunity but the antibodies are eventually broken down.
Natural passive
Natural active
Artificial passive
Artificial active

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Explain why vaccination produces artificial active immunity
  • Artificial – because antibodies are made in response to a vaccine rather than a pathogen
  • Active – because antibodies are produced by the body’s own plasma cells
  • Immunity – because memory cells are retained


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Explain why an individual who has been vaccinated does not develop the disease symptoms if they encounter the pathogen at a later date 

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When the vaccine was given the antigens present did not cause disease symptoms
Did stimulate a primary immune response
Memory cells were produced
Therefore when the individual was infected with the pathogen at a later date
A much larger and more rapid secondary immune response was stimulated
This eliminated the pathogen before it could multiply and cause disease symptoms

  • When the vaccine was given the antigens present did not cause disease symptoms
  • Did stimulate a primary immune response 
  • Memory cells were produced
  • Therefore when the individual was infected with the pathogen at a later date 
  • A much larger and more rapid secondary immune response was stimulated 
  • This eliminated the pathogen before it could multiply and cause disease symptoms

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Type of vaccine: match the name to the image
Live attenuated
Chimeric live attenuated
Nucleic acid-based

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Live (Attenuated) Vaccine 
  • Modified strains (bacteria or viruses) that reproduce slowly and are not pathogenic
  • May be achieved through genetic modification of pathogen
  • Pathogen reproduces slowly so antigen present for longer
  • Gives strongest immune response and long-lasting immunity (less need for boosters)
(for TB)
Oral polio vaccine

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Who are live attenuated vaccines unsuitable for?

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Live (Attenuated) Vaccine 
  • Cannot be given to anyone with weakened immune system (e.g. after chemotherapy or HIV patients)
  • Strain may revert and become pathogenic

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Chimeric Live Vaccine 
  • Gene for specific antigen from pathogen introduced into a harmless viral vector
  • Vector delivers gene to target cells that then synthesise antigen
  • Safer
  • Provides immunity for pathogens that cannot easily be attenuated or inactivated without destroying antigen activity


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Technical difference between chimeric live attenuated vaccine and recombinant vector vaccine.
Live --> can replicate but not harmful
Recombinant --> cannot replicate
Inactivated Vaccine 
  • Pathogen is killed or inactivated by heat or chemical treatment (e.g. formaldehyde) so it does not cause disease
  • Antigens are still intact and can provoke immune response


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What are the advantages & disadvantages of inactivated vaccines?

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Inactivated Vaccine 
  • More stable and safer than live vaccines
  • Does not need refrigeration so travels better
  • Gives a weaker immune response (if antigens altered by heat) so boosters are necessary

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  • Harmless version of toxin obtained by heating or chemical treatment
  • Can trigger the production of antitoxin antibodies in an immune response
  • Safe to use where the toxins produced by the pathogen are the cause of symptoms
  • Gives a weaker immune response so boosters necessary


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Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a toxoid vaccine?
Provokes a stronger immune response
Causes production of anti-toxin antibodies

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Subunit Vaccines
  • Harmless version of toxin obtained by heating or chemical treatment
  • Can trigger the production of antitoxin antibodies in an immune response
  • Safe to use where the toxins produced by the pathogen are the cause of symptoms
  • Gives a weaker immune response so boosters necessary

Subunit Vaccines
Subunit vaccine
  • Preparation of antigens extracted from pathogen

Conjugated vaccine
  • Antigens joined to a protein
  • Safe to use since no whole bacteria / virus
  • Can construct vaccines to several different strains
  • Humoral and cellular immune response are stimulated when antigen is joined to protein

Recombinant subunit vaccine
  • Gene from pathogen inserted into a bacterium / yeast to produce the specific antigen

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Ag in subunit & conjugate vaccine can be a polysaccharide (e.g. from bacteria coat) instead of a protein.
HepB = recombinant
Which type of vaccine is safer?
Live attenuated vaccine
Subunit vaccine

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Nucleic Acid Vaccine
  • Contain mRNA that direct host cells to produce a specific antigen
  • Safe to use
  • mRNA broken down within a few days
  • Cannot combine with human genomic DNA

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What are the only mRNA vaccines currently licensed?

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Suggest why a vaccine against HIV has not been developed
  • Many strains of HIV
  • High mutation rate that changes the antigens, so memory cells do not recognise them
  • Currently three mRNA HIV vaccines are in stage 1 clinical trial


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What do you think of this interactive LessonUp lesson?

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