Wheel of energy!
1 / 30
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 30 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Wheel of energy!

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Welcome back!
  • What to expect in your final year in English class
  • What do I expect from you?
  • A game to get started
  • Goals in this year

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What to expect in English class 
  • 4 tests:
    1. vocabulary/email
    2. Kijk & luistertoets 
    3. leestoets 
    4. language village 
  • Preparation for the exams
     = reading & listening
  • 3 classes each week
  • Working towards goals

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What do I expect from you
  • That we listen to each other 
  • That we bring our stuff
  • That we participate
  • That we are motivated 
  • That we help each other

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Goals in the final year
  • We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • We have developed our English skills.
  • We have improve our English vocabulary.
  • We have built the confidence to speak in English.
  • We can write a formal letter in English

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A game to get strated 
  • Choose a subject (indivudually)
  • Choose from: 
  • Nature & animals 
  • Holiday & traveling 
  • Machines & technology 
  • Politics & crime 
  • Fashion 
  • Food & drinks 

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A game to get strated 
  • Find the classmates with the same color.
  • Nature & animals 
  • Holiday & traveling 
  • Machines & technology 
  • Politics & crime 
  • Fashion
  • Food & drinks 
  • Together you form a group for that specific subject.
  • Together with your group come up with 4 'would you rather' statements. 
  • For example: ''Would you rather wear your clothes inside out to school for the rest of the year or have no shoes on at school for the rest of the year. 

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A game to get started 
  • Hand in your statements. 
  • Sit down for the first option.
  • Stand up for the second option.

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Looking back & foward
  • Name an expectation your English teacher has.
  • Name a goal of this final year.
  • Testing your reading & listening skill.
Next class

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  • Testing your reading & listening skill
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • Where do you stand?

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Testing your reading & listening skill
  • Go to:
  • Examens oefenen 
  • VMBO KB -> Algemene vakken
  • Engels 
  • VMBO KB Engels 2017 examenvariant 2
  • Houd je antwoorden bij op een papier.

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Looking back & foward
  • Schrijf je naam op je papier en lever deze in.
  • Laat het tabblad openstaan
  • We will continu this test. 
Next class

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  • Testing your reading & listening skill
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • Where do you stand?

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Testing your reading & listening skill
  • Go to:
  • Examens oefenen 
  • VMBO KB -> Algemene vakken
  • Engels 
  • VMBO KB Engels 2017 opgavenset
  • Houd je antwoorden bij op een papier.
  • Ga verder waar je gebleven bent!

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Looking back & foward
  • Schrijf je naam op je papier en lever deze in.
  • Laat het tabblad openstaan
  • We will continu this test. 
Next class

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Hello everybody :)
  • Homework: hand in score
  • Finding answers in texts
  • Finding answers when listening 

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What do I expect from you
  • That we listen to each other 
  • That we bring our stuff
  • That we participate
  • That we are motivated 
  • That we help each other

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  • Show me your screenshot or proof of your score.
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.

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Finding answers in texts
  • Read the text 
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • Answer the question(s)
  • Underline your answers
  • Also underline unknown words

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Finding synonyms in texts 
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • What is a synonym?
  • Text 1 = Savage 16 feet surge
  • Text 2 = Coastal waste 
  • Text 3 = Ramsay Bleeped out
: save / things (paragraph 1)
: rubbish (2 synonyms)
: swearing 

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Finding answers when listening 
  • Juist/onjuist: schrijf het woord op waarop jij je antwoord baseert of schrijf op als het niet is genoemd. 
  • Goal of today: We will be prepared for the English exams.
  • A,B of C: schrijf het woord of zin op waarop jij je antwoord baseert. 
schrijf ook bij de foute antwoorden op welk woord of zin aangeeft dat het fout is.

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Looking back & foward
  • Test is done
  • We will practice more often :)
  • We will start practicing writing an e-mail & I will hand out the word list. 
Next class

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Hello everybody :)
  • Writing a formal e-mail
  • Practicing words from word list.
  • Homework: study word list

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Writing a formal e-mail/letter
  • Template: what does it consist of? 
  • What is a formal e-mail/letter
  • from / to / subject
  • opening & closing sentences 
  • introducing yourself 
  • your motivation 

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Subject: Holiday job 

Dear Sir/Madam, 

My name is Tirsa Bus and I would like to apply for a holiday job at your bakery to help customers. I am 27 years old and I am a teacher. In summers I have time left and I used to work in a restaurant as a parttime job. I loved helping guests and customers and would like to do this again when I have the time. I live in Leeuwarden and in my free time I enjoy baking and cooking myself. 

As I said before, I have worked in a restaurant and have always felt passionate about helping customers. However, I prefer working early hours instead of late hours. For that reason, working in a bakery for the summer seems like a perfect fit. I hope you will invite me to further explain my motivation. 

I hope to hear from you soon. 

With kind regards, 

Tirsa Bus 

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Writing a formal e-mail/letter
  • Use one of the two templates.
  • Write a letter to a place you would like to work. 
  • from / to / subject
  • opening & closing sentences 
  • introducing yourself 
  • your motivation 

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Word list 
  • Homework = studying a page on the word list (each week).
  • Next class we'll test how many you remember.
  • After that we will watch a serie to improve your listening skill.

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Word list
  • Number your word list (page 1) = 1 to 46
  • Each of you will get 2 to 3 words to define 
  • first to Dutch then to English
  • to English right away
18: attempt

To make an effort (difficult)
  • Write the number, the word and the definition on a sticky note.
  • Need help?: use the internet or a word book
  • Done?: find 1 or 2 synonyms for each word

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Looking back & foward
  • First e-mail/letter is written
  • First page of word list is defined
  • We will start practicing writing an e-mail & repeat words page 1. 
Next class

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Wheel of energy!

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