
Colouring unit 111
Level 1 
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HairdressingFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

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Colouring unit 111
Level 1 

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 Temporary colours contain large colour molecules which sit on the outside of the cuticle and stain the hair shaft.
If the hair is porous and the cuticle is raised the colour might grab and coat the cortex, which can cause the colour to last longer or be uneven.

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Temporary colour
  • Lasts 1 shampoo
  • No levels of lift
  • Uses NO hydrogen peroxide

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Temporary colour
Reasons to use:
No commitment
Lasts one shampoo
Adds shine/tone
Neutralises unwanted tone
Enhances current look
Introduction to colour
Quick fashion effect
No development time

Reasons not to use:
Only lasts one shampoo
No lift possible
Colour may be uneven or last longer on porous hair

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Semi-permanent colours contain large and small colour molecules. 

The larger molecules coat and stain the outside of the cuticle, whereas the smaller molecules coat the inside of the cuticle and the outer layer of the cortex.

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Semi-permanent colour
  • Lasts 6-8 shampoos
  • Uses no hydrogen peroxide
  • 15-20 minute development 
  • Removal 
  • Emulsify and rinse out thoroughly

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Permanent colour 
Contain small colour molecules that expand and join together during the developing process. 

Colour molecules need time to swell and join into the cortex to become permanent.
Emulsify shampoo and condition the hair 

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Permanent colour​
  • Used for partial colour, such as high/low lights, regrowth and full head colours.
  • Provides 100% coverage on white hair
  • Levels of lift depend of the natural depth of hair and peroxide strength. 
  • Can lift up to 3 shades and can also darken and deposit tone​
  • Can be used with 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%​
  • Develops in 30-40 minutes

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Lightening products enables clients to achieve the lightest blondes and lighten artificial colour in the hair.​

They affect the hair by oxidising the natural and artificial colour pigments in the cortex. 
Removal of lightening products 
Rinse out with cool water shampoo and condition the hair 

Melanin - The hairs natural pigment

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