In deze les zitten 14 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.
Lesduur is: 30 min
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Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Reading 2
¨Citeer de zin (de eerste en de laatste twee woorden) waarin je terugvindt hoeveel uur per dag de Fransman zal gaan zwemmen tijdens de tocht. ¨
The Frenchman has been training for the challenge over seven years by swimming 6 hours every day. Over the course of his expedition, however, he will swim a full 8 hour a day and sleep on a boat piloted by his crew. The boats that will escort him are equipped with technology that will repel sharks and predators. His special wet suit is designed to protect him from chilly waters, which may drop to only 10 degrees Celsius.
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