Past Continuous WEB

Past Continuous
1 / 19
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Past Continuous

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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  • Uitleg past continuous                                         (20 min)
  • Oefenen past continuous                                    (15 min)
  • Onregelmatige werkwoorden zeeslag          (20 min)
  • DoorEngels                                                                 (20 min)
  • Toets inzage                                                               (15 min)

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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What do we remember?
about the present continuous?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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When I was sleeping, my cat jumped on the bed.
We were watching you while you were doing the dishes.
I was driving to work when I got a flat tire.
She was cooking dinner while the kids were playing outside.
We were watching TV at 8 p.m. last night.

I laughed at the joke.                             I was laughing at the joke.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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Past simple
An action or fact from the past.
Can be multiple (habit) or a single event.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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Past continuous
An action in the past that took some time.
Can happen at the same time as something else.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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When to use?
We were watching TV at 8 p.m. last night.
I was looking at presents to buy for christmas yesterday.
Last week, he was not sleeping at all.

She was working all day yesterday.
They were singing karaoke for a while last night.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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2 actions at the same time
Long + short:
I was walking home, when my phone rang.

Long + long:
You were swimming in the pool, while the sun was shining.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Form of "to be"

I                   was
you             were
she/he/it   was
we/they     were
Verb+ ing


Slide 9 - Tekstslide

I am = I'm
You are = You're
She is = She's
He is = He's
It is = It's
We are = We're
They are = They're
Special -ing
verbs ending in a silent -e
have    > having
ride      > riding
game  > gaming

remove the -e
verbs ending in -ie

lie      > lying
tie     > tying

replace -ie with -y

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Special -ing
verbs that stress the last syllable and 
end in 1 vowel + consonant (not x, w, y)

sit        > sitting                      rebel           > rebelling
run      > running                  commit       > committing
stop    > stopping                 control        > controlling
buy     > buying                     remember > remembering
double the last letter

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

travelling = British
traveling = American

cancelling = British
canceling = American

I was drowning.

Was I drowning?

You were laughing.

Were you laughing?

I was writing.

I was not writing.

We were running.

We were not running.

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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To be + not
Was not > Wasn't
Were not > Weren't

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

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make a sentence using the 
past continuous

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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What did we learn?
When do we use the past continuous?
How do we use the past continuous in a sentence?
What is the difference between the past simple and past continuous?
what is the difference between the present continuous and past continuous?

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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Slide 16 - Video

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How to setup
  1. Pick 10 irregular verbs from the list in teams.
    Look at the words in the past simple (verleden tijd) and pick:
    4x three letter verbs
    3x four letter verbs
    2x five letter verbs
    1x six letter verb or longer
  2. Write down all forms of the verbs in your list
  3. fill in the past simple version in your sea.
    1 letter per square on your sea.

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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How to play
  1. In pairs, take turns finding your partner's battleships by calling out coordinates on the enemy sea.
  2. If the square is empty, its a miss and you write down an 'X'.
  3. If the square contains a letter, its a hit and your partner reveals the letter. You get another turn.
  4. If you have revealed the whole verb, you can try to sink the battleship by making a correct sentence in the past simple.
    If the sentence is incorrect, you have to wait until your next turn to try again.
  5. When the sentence is correct, the ship sinks. You then write your sentence down in the space for sentences.
  6. First to sink all enemy ships wins.

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Instructions and procedures

Reading instructions
Listening to instructions
Filling out a travel expense form

NO Warming up & At work
Deze week af = bij

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Listening to instructions A2 & B1/B2 = 
following spoken instruction A2/B1

Filling out a travel expense form A2 & A2/B1 = 
Claiming your expenses B1/B2