Pub Quiz in Class

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In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

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Pub Quiz History
The pub quiz was developed in the late 1970s and has turned into a national institution comprising upwards of 10,000 teams competing weekly in their pub leagues and knock-outs.

A 2009 study put the number of regular weekly pub quizzes in the UK at 22,445, and one website has counted approximately 2,000 regular weekly quizzes in the United States. 

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There are 3 or 4 students in a group and you should come up with a great team name. You will check each others answers!

There are 7 rounds. For each round you have 2,5 minutes to fill in your answers. Every good answer leads to 1 point.

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Disney movies

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Round 1: Sports

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Answers: Sports

1. 5
2. Queen
3. Ice hockey
4. Bull’s eye
5. 21
6. Real Madrid
7. White
8. Very difficult slope (other answers with same intention are OK)
9. Bowling
10. Greece

1 point per correct answer

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Round 2: Geography

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Answers: Geography
  1. a. Neil Armstrong
2. a. Belgium
3. c. 44
4. b. Las Vegas
5. b. New Zealand
6. c. South America
7. a. 46 metres
8. a   other side of the globe
9. c. Seine
10. c. Pacific Ocean 

1 point per correct answer

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Round 3: Food

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Answers: Food
  1. b. raw fish
2. a. spinach
3. b. 30 minutes
4. b. sweet
5. c. galley
6. a. breakfast
7. c. grape
8. a. caramel
9. b. rice
10. b. 10

1 point per correct answer

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Round 4: Disney Movies

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Answers: Disney Movies
  1. Aladdin
2. Moana
3. Chicken little
4. Alice in Wonderland
5. Coco
6. The Little Mermaid
7. Lady and the Tramp
8. Up
9. Sleeping Beauty
10. The Jungle book

1 point per correct answer

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Round 5: Sustainability

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Answers: Sustainability
  1. False: Edison invented the light bulb.
2. True
3. False: glass can be recycled an unlimited number of times
4. True
5. True: the average family uses 70/80% of its energy to heat the house
6. False: water boils at 100 degrees Celsius
7. False: we would need 4 planet earths if everyone lived like people in the USA
8. True
9. True
10. False: the panda is used as the WWF symbol

1 point per correct answer

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Round 6: Animals

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Answers: Animals
  1.  Sense of smell (nose)
2. b. Python
3. Orange
4. c. Up to 120 kilometres an hour
5. After 7 days
6. c. 3
7. 1
8. c. 350 times its own body length
9. None (penguins only live on the south pole)
10. a. herbivores

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Round 7: Logos

1 point per correct answer

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Answers: Logos
1. Friesland Campina
2. Apple
3. Endemol
4. Nike
5. Amstel
6. Airbnb
7. Pringles
8. Louis Vuitton
9. Starbucks
10. Wikipedia

1 point per correct answer

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