1. Before you press the transmission button, gather your thoughts about what you are going to say.
2. Give the call sign of the unit you are calling first.
3. Introduce yourself by your call sign. Do NOT use real names or nicknames.
4. Use “CLEAR”, “OVER”, “OUT” when you finish your message. It notifies the addressee that you finished your portion of information and wait for the response or just ended the transmission (“OUT” word).
5. When you have understood the message, acknowledge the receipt with the words “COPY“, “RECEIVED“, “ROGER” or “ACKNOWLEDGED.” The word “COPY” is preferred.
6. If the caller requires some actions you may use “WILCO” instead of “ROGER” to notify that you WILL COMPLY (=”WILCO”).
7. Use “BREAK, BREAK” whenever there is radio traffic and you want to get through with your emergency message.
8. Answer each call to confirm reception. Use “RECEIVED”, “COPY”, “ROMEO” or “ACKNOWLEDGED.”
9. If you do not comprehend the message, do not confirm it. Use “SAY AGAIN”, “REPEAT”, “STAND BY” instead.
10. Whenever a word must be spelled use NATO code words for each letter.