Lesson 7 - Once Upon a Time

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 28 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Starting Assignment

Make the three exercises

Finished? study p.25-27 in your book

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To do
  • Future tenses
  • Possessive or plural?
  • Plenda
  • Correct the Queen's curse

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Future tenses
A) planned / pretty sure;       am/is/are going to
B) unplanned / not sure;       will
C) a question about I / we:   shall

Compare your starting assignments with a                        classmate's. 
Explain why with A/B/C and s or 's

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Show me your answers
Wait for countdown

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1. The Evil witch says she ______________________ steal the magic mirror.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

2. I think that Henry ______________________ save all the people in Storybrooke.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

3. “When ______________________ we meet again?” Henry says.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

4. Oh, no! Snow White ______________________ eat the poisoned apple.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

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5. Prince Charming says: I ______________________ help you.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

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6. ______________________ Emma break the curse?

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

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7. Snow White and Prince Charming ______________________ live happily ever after.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

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8. “______________________ I kiss you now?” Prince Charming asked Snow White.

A) planned / pretty sure;
B) unplanned / not sure;
C) a question about I / we.

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Friday,  6 October
In class: write curse/blessing
You may use your book!

Friday, 13 October
Hand in your film (in Teams) before 6PM 

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The Evil Queen curses Snow White on her wedding day:

Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do.

(score it with the rubric on p.22)

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Can you correct it?
Rewrite the curse so that it fits all criteria
You may work with your neighbour (whisper)

Think of other examples of (bad) things that are going to happen in the future.
(write them down, it might be helpful on Friday!)

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p. 25-27

Mark the words you can use to make your curse more evil. 
For example: doomed, forever...

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Slide 18 - Link


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Episode 1 - Characters

Who are these fairy tale characters?
Write down their names!

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Starting Assignment: The curse
  • When you're ready: 1 phone per duo
  • Take turns reading lines
  • Record 
  • Upload to teams

Finished?: Back to laptop

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Exit ticket
Complete this sentence:

You __________________have a break. I think you _______________ enjoy yourselves. ______________ we continue English next lesson?

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