Make your own almond tree!
We’re going to make our own almond tree inspired by Van Gogh’s.
Take another look at the painting. What do you find inspiring about it? Write down 3 things you think are interesting or attractive about the painting. Things like colour, perspective, season, type of tree.
Explain to the students that they are going to make their own 3D almond tree using found materials.
What is your tree going to look like? Make a sketch. Use the 3 things you just have written down while looking at the painting. You can also use the questions on the board if you like.
Once the students have decided what their tree will look like, they can think about what materials they will need to make it. Invite the students to shout out some ideas: leaves, packaging, old clothes, for example.
Have the students draw up a list of materials they need to collect and bring to the next lesson. You could also go out with the class in search of suitable materials.
Optional: This assignment can be adapted so that the students create a 2D artwork.
In that case, get the students to draw a tree on a large sheet of paper. They can then stick the materials they have found on this drawing.