2019-1 text 1-5

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 4,5

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

text 1- 3
The first text in an exam are always short , 1 -3 questions each. 

strategie: FIRST read the question, 

then FIND the information you need in the text. 

UNDERLINE/MARK the word(s) that gave you the answer.


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1 welke zin.... maakt DAT duidelijk?

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2 making them the ultimate 'spokesdogs'
A; kernbergrip ( key word)
B: voorbeeld ( example)
C: woordspeling (word play

A spokesperson, spokesman, or spokeswoman, is someone engaged or elected to speak on behalf of others. 

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'word play' in all answers
better safe than sorry = used to say that it is better to be careful now so that problems do not occur later on.
Business as usual = used to say that something is working or continuing in the normal or usual way
 cut corners = to save money or time when doing something by not including some parts, actions, or details, so that the result is not as good as it could be.
damaged goods: a person who is no longer desirable  because of something that has happened : a person whose reputation is damaged
hyperbole =  language that describes something as better or worse than it is. really is 

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- a damp squib
- wondering.. what all the fuss was about
 = hyperbole

Won't be compensating...
cost the economy...
1 = e 
expensive hyperbole

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2: better safe than sorry

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3: cutting corners on maintenance
commendable = I think it is/was a good idea
BUT : the problems with fallen trees would have been almost....

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4=B Business as usual
newspaper was delivered LIKE ANY OTHER DAY

2 points for 4 correct
1 point for 3 correct answers
2,1 or 0 correct = ZERO points.

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text 3 - question 4
What is the meaning of these words??

- editorial
- rightfully
- the root cause 
- carnage
- disappointing
- gratuitous 

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text 3 - question 4 
What is the meaning of these words??
editorial= an essay in a newspaper that gives the opinions of its editors 
- rightfully = with good cause or reason
-distract(ing) = to take the attention away fromm a task or problem
- the root cause = the most iportant reason somethign is happening 
- carnage = the killing of many people
- disappointing = to make (someone) unhappy by not being as good as expected or by not doing something that was hoped for or expected
- gratuitous =  not necessary or appropriate

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A: commendable but flawed  
B: controversial but courageous
C: interesting but mostly irrational
D: irrelvant but convincing

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Welk mogelijk belang??
entertainment software= video games.

antwoord: Hij werkt voor / verdedigt de belangen van de game-industrie/the Entertainment Software Association.
of: financieel belang / geld

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text 4
After about 3 short texts, there is usually a one-page text with about 4-6 questions.
in this case: 
- main idea of paragraph 1
- specific details  in paragraph 2
- function of paragraph 4
- tone of paragraph 9 

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work together
work as a ( small) team of 2-3 students

try to find the correct answers together. 

ESPECIALLY question 7 : be specific! WHY this answer?

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6 B
• het imago van het product/hoorn beschadigen / (een campagne voeren om mensen ervan te) overtuigen dat het gebruik van hoorn als medicijn wreed en/of zinloos is / uitleggen dat het niet werkt 
• hoorns vergiftigen/onbruikbaar maken / de RRP-methode gebruiken 
• (synthetisch/goedkoper) (namaak)alternatief aanbieden / nep-hoorn verkopen 
8 C
9 A

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text 5
"just" two questions

very specific information required from the text - you need to infer the answer ( afleiden) -- so it's not always literally THERE on the page. 
REASON: this is a literary text. 


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1 wel ( they would probably not have time...)
2 niet (40 miles for Avie, double that for Grace/ thier families)
3 niet (one look at their winter coats/ not the sort of girls..)
4 niet (no textual clues)
5 niet (enrolled to find somebody to marry) 
11: D 

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important words: 
commendable, spokesperson

It's just as important to recognise tone, wordplay  and agenda as it is to know all the words. 

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