Adjectives and Adverbs 07/02 Havo 2

Adjectives and Adverbs Part 3. The really hard quiz!

Lesdoel: Aan het eind van de les kun je zelf zinnen maken met adjectives en adverbs.
En kun je het verschil tussen de 2 uitleggen aan je buurman/buurvrouw.
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Adjectives and Adverbs Part 3. The really hard quiz!

Lesdoel: Aan het eind van de les kun je zelf zinnen maken met adjectives en adverbs.
En kun je het verschil tussen de 2 uitleggen aan je buurman/buurvrouw.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

An adjective says something about what?
A verb
A (pro-)noun
A manner/way
An adverb

Slide 2 - Quizvraag

An adverb never says anything about what?
Another adverb
A verb
A (pro-)noun

Slide 3 - Quizvraag

Adverbs can also give information about how often something happens (frequency)
Always, never, often, sometimes
- I never miss an episode of my favourite show.

- She always complains about the bad weather angrily.

- We sometimes hide our annoying sister's toys quietly.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Summers in Texas always feel very hot.
Which match is correct?
Very = Adjective Hot = Adverb
Very = Adverb Hot = Adverb
Very = Adjective Hot = Adjective
Very = Adverb Hot = Adjective

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

We always go to Austria in our big van during the long holidays.
Which statement is true?
There are 2 adverbs and 1 adjective.
There are 2 adjectives and 1 adverb.
There are 3 adjectives and 1 adverb.
There are 2 adverbs and 2 adjectives.

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

Notice the place of adverbs of frequency in a sentence? 
I sometimes wake up at 5AM.
I take my bike to school every morning.

She often forgets to charge her laptop.
They love to eat candy on the playground after school.

Our dog always barks when he hears the doorbell.
I get a sandwich from the shop across the street on Saturdays. 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Turning adjectives into adverbs
Weak, Stupid       +  ly      Weakly, Stupidly

Easy, Ordinary   y  -> ily    Easily, Ordinarily

           Majestic, Athletic    + ally     Majestically, Athletically

  Terrible, Admirable   e  -> y    Terribly, Admirably

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Irregular adverbs
Some irregular adverbs are:
- The good actor.                                    - The long day
- The actor acts goodly. X                   - This class takes longly to finish. X
- The actor acts well.                             - This class takes long to finish

- The fast dog eats treats.                -  I hit my head on the low ceiling.
- The dog eats his treats fastly. - I duck lowly to avoid hitting my head. X
- The dog eats his treats fast.         - I duck low to avoid hitting my head.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Make a sentence containing both one adjective and one adverb.

Slide 10 - Open vraag

Easy points on a hard exam!
- Capitals (Start of the sentence, I, names: proper nouns)
So on Saturday, Sebastiaan and I are going to Schiphol to fly to France.

- ' placement. I'm, you're, we'll -> I am, you are, we will.

- Possesion or plural. The dogs are barking. The dog's toy. The dogs' toy.
My aunts are coming over. My aunts' cats are fighting.  
All my aunt's dogs are sleeping. Elin's laptop. Julius' laptop. 

- Full stops. Period. 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

How many adjectives and adverbs do you see?
2 adjectives, 2 adverbs.
3 adjectives, 1 adverb.
3 adverbs, 1 adjective.
3 adjectives, 2 adverbs.

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

My little sister is sick.
Which match is correct?
little = adjective sick = adjective
little = adjective sick = adverb
little = adverb sick = adjective
little = adverb sick = adverb

Slide 13 - Quizvraag

Do you have a question? Raise your dominant hand quickly!

No questions? Show me how smart you apparently are by solving these hard riddles instantly!

Slide 14 - Tekstslide