Examentraining - Uitleg Centraal Examen Havo 5 (plus tips)
Central English Exam Havo 5
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Lesduur is: 30 min
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Central English Exam Havo 5
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April 15/16th, 2024
Lesson 1/2
Learning targets: At the end of the lesson, you will understand the format of the Havo 5 Central English Exam and the types of questions it contains.
41 questions in total (see pdf)
Continue reading your exam bundle and submit your results/ score in MagisterLearn
Study Examen idioom Of course booklet 6.3, Linking words p.113-121
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Final English Exam
- 21 May, 2024. It takes 150 minutes in total. - Only reading, 10-12 texts, 41 questions - 80% of the texts are 'scientific' articles & opinion pieces, others are mostly letters or part of a book
- Mostly multiple choice questions about the function of a paragraph or the main idea.
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Most used sources on the 2017, 2018 & 2019 exams:
- The Economist (6 times) - The Guardian - The New Yorker - The Washington Post - The Daily Telegraph - Part of a book
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- Level of the texts is high, level of the questions even higher
- Native speakers / Bilingual students often still make 4 or 5 mistakes. You have to read reaalllllyyyy carefully!
- You will need a dictionary! Some questions are made extra difficult to force you to look up words.
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Top 3 tips:
1. Read everything, but use as little of your own knowledge as possible (base your answer on what's in the text!) 2. Underline,Highlight, cross out, etc. to indicate what to look for or to find specific information 3. Approach multiple choice questions as if they are open questions. Come up with your own answer first and then choose the one that best fits it.
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