V6 - week 10

V6 - week 10 - reading & speaking on pollution/irregular verbs/examenidioom
Read the two articles in somtoday 
Microplastics & Fashion dump in the desert (Chile fashion pollution) https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/chile-fashion-pollution
approx. 15 min.

We will use them as input for discussion

1 / 6
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 6

In deze les zitten 6 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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V6 - week 10 - reading & speaking on pollution/irregular verbs/examenidioom
Read the two articles in somtoday 
Microplastics & Fashion dump in the desert (Chile fashion pollution) https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/chile-fashion-pollution
approx. 15 min.

We will use them as input for discussion

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Discuss how the fashion industry 
causes environmental pollution & come up with solutions:
Use the following phrases to help you:
  • tiny particles shed from synthetic clothing
  • microplastics washed down the drain into waterways 
  • transfer of contaminants in the foodchain
  • chemical coatings & additives make waterproof/stain-resistant clothing more slippery
  • dramatic reduction in environmental impact of industrial processes
  • tackle one of the clothing sector's major source of pollution
Possible solutions....
  • fast-growing dumps of discarded clothes, thanks to the rapid mass production of inexpensive attire known as fast fashion. 
  • Between 2000 and 2014, clothing production doubled and consumers began buying 60 percent more clothes and wearing them for half as long as they once did. 
  • Three-fifths of all clothing is estimated to end up in landfills or incinerators within a year of production—translating into a truckload of used clothing dumped or burned every second; rejected clothing due to fleeting style trends, global trade
Possible solutions: ....

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Irregular verbs
Give the 3 forms + the Dutch translation of the irregular verbs below. (20 pts) 
Infinitive (1st) - Past Simple (2nd) - Past Participle (3rd) - Dutch translation
To choose
To bend
To flee
To fall
To lie
To lay
To draw
To sew
To hurt
To swim
To throw
To sink
To hide

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Slide 4 - Link

GROUP A - Give the Dutch translation as a group - 5 min.
  1. Guardian 
  2. To rear 
  3. Mutual 
  4. Marital 
  5. Tenant 
  6. Row 
  7. Coffin 
  8. Spouse 
  9. To conform 
  10. Grammar school 
  11. Compulsory 
  12. Attendance 
  13. To deduce 
  14. To major in 
  15. To advance 


To alleviate 



To shiver 

To moan 


To refrain from 



To convalesce 
GROUP B - Give the Dutch translation as a group - 5 min.
16. Illiterate 
17. To clarify 
18. To be in detention 
19. Innovation 
20. Tedious 
21. To alleviate 
22. Paralysis 
23. Disabled 
24. To shiver 
25. To moan 
26. Ward 
27. To refrain from 
28. Numb 
29. Morbid 
30. To convalesce 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

  1. Voogd 
  2. Opvoeden, grootbrengen 
  3. Wederzijds 
  4. Huwelijks- 
  5. Huurder 
  6. Ruzie 
  7. Doodskist 
  8. Echtgenoot, echtgenote 
  9. Aanpassen 
  10. Gymnasium 
  11. Verplicht 
  12. Aanwezigheid 
  13. Concluderen, afleiden 
  14. Als hoofdvak hebben 
  15. Vorderen 








Zich onthouden van 

Verstijfd, verdoofd 


Herstellen (na ziekte) 
16. Analfabeet 
17. Toelichten, verduidelijken 
18. Nablijven (op school) 
19. Vernieuwing 
20. Saai 
21. Verlichten 
22. Verlamming 
23. Invalide 
24. Rillen 
25. Kreunen  
26. (ziekenhuis)zaal 
27. Zich onthouden van 
28. Verstijfd, verdoofd 
29. Ziekelijk 
30. Herstellen (na ziekte) 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide