Chapter 1 - D-E - Grammar - Present Simple

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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What do you need this lesson?

- Your textbook
- Your workbook
- Your notebook
- A pen

- Smartphone (on quiet)
- Earbuds/headphones
- Food/drinks (this means water as well)
- Gum
* Bags on the floor

- Jackets/Coats

On your desk:
In your bag (not pockets):
In your locker:

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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What do you always have to do?

  • Always take a notebook with you to class. 
  • Write down the grammar rules in your notebook.
  • Write other important stuff in your notebook.

No notebook (or an empty one) means that you've forgotten your work.

Create a vocabulary list at the end of your notebook. This broadens your vocabulary and help you remember more. 
Take Notes!
Vocabulary list
Always do your homework + don't forget to bring your homework, books, pen and notebook with you.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Learning goals
  • I know what the present simple is;
  • I know the link to the Dutch grammar rule;
  • I can use the present simple in a sentence;
  • I can spell while listening to the English pronunciation. 

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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Chapter 1:
Recap previous lesson
- Alphabet spelling
E - Grammar - Present Simple
31. Fill in the correct form of the present simple.
32. Write the sentences
33a. Find out the rule
33b. Fill in the coloured verbs in the correct column.
33c. Look at the red verbs. Complete the sentence.
Grammar - Present SImple
34. Choose the correct answer
35a. Fill in the correct form of the present simple. 
36. Write the sentences

  • Homework

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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Recap - Alphabet spelling

On your own:
  • Use your notebook
  • Spell the correct word while I say the letters in English.
  • No talking
  • Whoever has the most words spelled correctly wins

Spell while you are listening

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

  1. ally
  2. estimate
  3. admire
  4. prayer
  5. grandfather
  6. reference
  7. knife
  8. colon
  9. retired
E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:

Fill in the correct form of the present simple.

Choose from: am – are – is – has – have

Example: We are twins
I am John  ----------- he has two brothers
He is 20 years old ---------- we have a dog

31. Fill in the correct form of the present simple.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:

Write the sentences

Write down two things about each person.
Use am, are, is, has, have.

Dave is fourteen years old. He has five friends.

32. Write the sentences

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:
- Look up the song Just the way you are by Bruno Mars. Listen to it.
- Read while you listen to the song.

33a. Find out the rule

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:

Look at the words in red and green. These words are verbs (werkwoorden). Fill in the coloured verbs in the correct colum.

green verbs: used with I, you, we, they

red verbs: used with he, she, it

33b. Fill in the coloured verbs in the correct column.
It should be something like this:

He/she/it             I/you/we/they
- falls                     - make
                               - look

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:

Look at the red verbs. Complete the sentence.

(What is different from the green verbs?)

33c. Look at the red verbs. Complete the sentence.

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple
De present simple (tegenwoordige tijd) is used for:
- facts (feiten)
- habits (gewoonten)
- Something that happens regularly (iets wat regelmatig gebeurt)

The sky is blue.                  fact (feit)
You swim every Thursday.           habit (gewoonte)

Habits or something that happens regularly are often uses with these words:
  • every               elke
  • always             altijd
  • never               nooit
  • sometimes              soms
  • often             vaak
  • frequently              frequent
  • usually             meestal 
SHIT- rule 
HE                      - S behind
E                          the verb

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple
Exceptions (uitzonderingen)
Y: If the verb ends in a Y and it has a consonant (medeklinker) in front of it, it becomes - ies (y is gone

I try to help out.
She tries to help out.

I fly to London.
He flies to London.
We fly to London

If there is a vowel (klinker) before the - y  You will only put an -s after the verb.
buy my clothes online.
She buys her clothes online.

say everything to you.
She says everything to you.

Verbs that end in an O or S- sound
If a verb ends with an O it's + ES
I go 
She goes

If a verb end with a S-sound it's + ES

I wash                                          I dress
He washes                                  she dresses    

I catch                                         I buzz     
She catches                               It buzzes

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Slide 14 - Link

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:
Choose the correct word.

Is it: I, you, we, they? = just the verb
is it: He, she, it? = + s, or + ies, or + es

Use your notes

34. Choose the correct answer.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:

Fill in the correct form of the present simple.

Is it: I, you, we, they? = just the verb
is it: He, she, it? = + s, or + ies, or + es

Use your notes

35a. Fill in the correct form of the present simple.

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

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E - Grammar - Present Simple

On your own:
– Write three things about yourself.
– Write three things about your family.
– Use the grammar.

TIP! Use the STONE!

36. Write the sentences

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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What have you learned?
  • I know what the present simple is;
  • I know the link to the Dutch grammar rule;
  • I can use the present simple in a sentence;
  • I can spell while listening to the English pronunciation. 

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Next Lesson (Homework)
Next lesson:
Chapter 1 - Kahoot + practising for Pop Quiz

Study theme words: 
Looks, Numbers, Family (P. 74)
Theme words: A + C (P. 74+75)
Stone 1: Introducing yourself and others (p.76)
Grammar 1: Present Simple (p.77)

Use Slim Stampen (online)

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