Periode 3- Week 4

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

To Do:

  • Connect: Business Partner Unit 3.4
  • English Connect: Business Partner Unit 3.5

! 24 maart: Toets Unit 3

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Unit 3 -Projects
3.3: Giving instructions

After this lesson you are aware of different ways of giving and receiving updates. You can also write an email requesting updates on a project.

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Lead-in   Exercise 1

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Exercise 2
A)  Listen to a team leader explaining a new procedure for meetings. What type of meeting is it?
B) Listen again and answer the questions.
1) How long does she expect the meeting to take?
2) What is the aim of the meeting?
3) How often will the meetings take place?
4) What time will the meetings start?
5)What is the ball for?
6)What information will each person give?
7)What will happen after the meeting?

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Exercise 3
 Listen to the next part of the meeting as three participants give their information. Complete the table below.

 Which of the three speakers was the most difficult to understand? Why?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Exercise 4
In pairs, discuss these questions.

1) How did the discussions go? Was one approach better than the other? Give reasons for your answer.
2) Can you think of any other ways Beata might have handled the situation?

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

3.4+ 3.5-Exercises
3.4-Business Skills
Exercise 7: Match the beginnings (1–7) with the endings (a–g) to make questions from the audio which are used to ask for an update.
Exercise 8A: Complete the sentences from the audio using the words.

Exercise 1A/1B/1C
Exercise 2

Writing  Task @ 11:15

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Writing- Task
A) Read the situation below. In pairs, discuss the exact information you want to find out about the different points.

Your head office is being refurbished and you want to find out from the project leader how the refurbishment is going. Write the exact questions you could ask.
  • deadline
  • new finish date
  • work completed
  • work not completed
  • reasons
  • furniture/equipment
  • problems

B) Write an email to the project leader requesting an update on the refurbishment in around 150 words.
! Use the questions you've just written down.

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Slide 10 - Tekstslide