charitable = liefdadigheids-
trust = stichting
in conjunction with = in samenwerking met
tip-offs = tips
recovery = terugvinden
anxious = verlangend, erop uit
recruit = proberen te vinden
patrolling = patrouilleren
proposals = voorstellen
thugs = misdadiger, schurk
rat on a rat = een rat verklikken
expose = ontmaskeren, verraden
police forces = politiekorpsen
while on their rounds = terwijl ze ronde doen
identified = herkend
radio links = radiocontacten
sinister = huiveringwekkend
according to = volgens
civil = burgerlijke
formerly = vroeger
unconcerned = niet bezorgd
growth...informing = groei aan info
breach = schending
issue = kwestie