Strategien zum Leseverstehen
Skimming / Scanning: First read and understand globally, then read selectively and only read sections in detail
Find key terms / key phrases, e.g. auf die Gleise stoßen
Identify / mark additional information or separate important from unimportant
Focus on keywords, e.g. verwandeln, verhalten, Fremdsprache ...
Use headings / text structure to comprehend text
Reduce complex sentence structures to the core content
Recognize the functions of sentences
Use visual elements of the text to aid understanding (e.g. arrangement, capital letters, illustrations)
Draw conclusions by analogy and make comparisons to other languages
Focus on word fields (generic terms, synonyms) for terms from the headline / task
Find the meaning of unknown words by looking at the context
Understand the meaning of unknown words by inferring / applying word formation knowledge (e.g. Spielzeug is German for toy and made out of the words spiel=game, play + zeug=stuff, thing)