1HVT Chapter 5

Cities, states and the Church
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Cities, states and the Church

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

5.1 Trade and the rise of cities
Lesson objectives
  • You can give the reasons why cities developed in the Late Middle Ages.
  • You can explain why a monetary economy developed again.
  • You can explain why collaboration had advantages, using the example of a medieval network between trading cities.

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5.1 Trade and the rise of cities
The return of the cities
  • Trade and industry started again and cities were developing
  • 2 reasons for the changes: people discovered increase in the yield from farming (horse collar, iron plough) & farmers use the land more efficiently: three-field system.
  • Another reason: Monasteries and manorial lords started reclaiming wasteland to make it suitable for farming. 

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5.1 Trade and the rise of cities
The return of the cities
  • More food became available --> the population increased --> excess food would be sold at markets --> villages developed (some grew into cities)
  • This led to the development in the Late Middle Ages (the period between 1000 and 1500) of an agrarian-urban society (most people lived in the countryside but there were also cities with merchants and craftspeople)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

5.1 Trade and the rise of cities
More money was being used
  • Another new change: development of a monetary economy (people pay with money). Before, they would trade or pay rent in the form of harvest
  • Money is efficient. For example: it was easier to pay their armies with money. 
  • One problem: every city had its own currency (coin system). If you traded, you kept having to change money. 

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