NSDAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or Nazi Party
Reichstag: German parliament
Enabling act: act through which Hitler obtained dictatorial power
SS: abbreviation for Schutzstaffel; security and military organisation controlled by the Nazi Party
Night of the Long Knives: purge used by Hitler to eradicate the critics of his regime in the SA
nazification: measures taken by Hitler to turn Germany into a totalitarian state
indoctrination: process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically
Hitler Youth: organisation in Nazi Germany for children aged 10 to 18
Gestapo: state secret police of Nazi Germany (geheime staats polizei) tasked with hunting down people who opposed or were critical towards Hitler and the Nazis.
Führer: literally: Leader. The title Hitler adopted after president Hindenburg died in 1934.
concentration camp: camps were a government forces many people to live, sometimes under terrible conditions