V6 - P3 - Week 4 - Lesson 1 - Romantic Period part 1

V6 - P3 - Week 4 - Lesson 1
1 / 20
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 6

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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V6 - P3 - Week 4 - Lesson 1

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Lesson goals
You will:
- have learned more about the Romantic period
- have learned about literature from the Romantic period

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Today's Lesson

Literary History: 
Romantic Period
William Wordsworth

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Literature Lesson - The Romantic Period

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Make groups of 3 or 4 students
You will work together on the literature assignments

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Per group:
When was the Romantic period and
what are its characteristics?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Per group:
Find and share information on
William Wordsworth

Slide 12 - Open vraag

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Per group:
Page 10 Task 6a:
- Read the poem
- Tell the story of the woman's life and death
in your own words

Slide 15 - Open vraag

Per group:
Page 10 Task 6b:
Is it a sad or a happy poem?
Explain why you think so

Slide 16 - Open vraag

Slide 17 - Video

Lesson goals
- have learned more about the Romantic period
- have learned about literature from the Romantic period

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Slide 20 - Tekstslide