H5_Essay writing

Essay (formal) - what is it & structure (lay-out)
An essay is a composition on one single subject, and gives  the author's opinion.

It has a common structure of 4 or 5 paragraphs: introduction, body (2-3 paragraphs/2-3 points), conclusion. 

A formal essay does not use personal pronouns (I, you, we), except in the conclusion. 

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

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Essay (formal) - what is it & structure (lay-out)
An essay is a composition on one single subject, and gives  the author's opinion.

It has a common structure of 4 or 5 paragraphs: introduction, body (2-3 paragraphs/2-3 points), conclusion. 

A formal essay does not use personal pronouns (I, you, we), except in the conclusion. 

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Example of a literary essay 

The dystopian novel "The Maze Runner" 
totalitarian control in real life

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How the Maze runner relates to real life
The Maze runner is a novel about a dystopian society because the inhabitants are there against their own will. They were placed in the maze by the creators, who survey them constantly. There are things outside the walls waiting to hurt them, and eventually they try to escape. WICKED has total control over Thomas and his friends. When trying to escape they see that the world  has been destroyed and is now totally controlled by WICKED.  The Maze runner is an example of a totalitarian society and is a criticism of these governments in real life.

First of all, the lives of all the inhabitants in the maze are controlled by the government.
 Give examples from the novel (WICKED). Give an example of a real life controlling government (i.e. Russia, China, etc.)

Second of all, the Maze runner shows how  Thomas and his friends are not allowed to have an individual life
Give examples from the novel (the Maze - they cannot escape; they need each other to escape, have to sacrifice individuals; even when they fall in love, they have to go with the group etc.)

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How the Maze runner relates to real life
Last but not least,, the Maze Runner shows what the world looks like after a deadly disease.
Give examples from the novel and give examples from real life

In conclusion we can say that the Maze runner is about a dystopian society but definitely intends to criticize controlling governments in real life. Repeat the 3 points (one sentence per point) and finish with one-two sentences how the Maze runner illustrates what could happen to today's world.

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Two examples of essays

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Essay writing

  • Use an essay lay-out: intro/2-3 paragraphs = body /conclusion (= 4-5 paragraphs)
  • Use formal language (not: gonna, wanna, way too much, etc)
  • Avoid the personal pronouns I/you/we
  • Use linking words (also, moreover, even though, nonetheless etc.)
  • Use examples from the novel

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Preparing your Essay Test Week
  • Memorize the lay-out (5 paragraphs, intro ending in thesis, body = 3 paragraphs, conclusion; use linking words to connect paragrpahs)
  • Read/watch the news; jot down arguments (pros/cons) on controversial topics (an argument
  • During writing in class, carefully read the feedback and jot down what you could improve
  • Review your grammar (tenses!) and period 2 grammar

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Possible essay thesis statements/topics
Schools should switch to hybrid teaching permanently (hybrid = online & in the classroom)

Social media platforms should  ban fake news

Companies should hire more women for top positions

Police officers  should always wear body cameras 

Female world leaders are the better leaders

Of course you can argue any topic the other way around AND you can use your own topic.
Check with your teacher first if the thesis statement is correct

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