In deze les zitten 12 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.
Lesduur is: 60 min
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The march of freedom
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Freeman travels around the world in search of a greater understanding of the concept of freedom. From solitary confinement and forced labor camps, to social taboos and laws that hinder speech and expression, freedom seems to be a constant struggle. As individuals and as entire nations, we are confronted with the question: Will we all ever be truly free?
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Slide 3 - Link
What does freedom mean to you?
Slide 4 - Open vraag
In what way does the Shin remain a prisoner?
Slide 5 - Open vraag
How did Albert survive 44 years of incarceration?
Slide 6 - Open vraag
What happened to Rigoberta in Venuzuela?
Slide 7 - Open vraag
Why was Nadia arrested?
Slide 8 - Open vraag
Where is Victoria from?
Slide 9 - Quizvraag
How did Victoria protect her younger sister?
Slide 10 - Open vraag
What are intrinsic rights?
Slide 11 - Open vraag
What is the most important/interesting thing you learned about freedom from this documentary?
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