
Welcome to this digital class on networking, specially tailored for your Changemaker action! This lesson wil deepen your networking skills. Have a blast!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
Mens & MaatschappijMiddelbare schoolvmbo, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 2,3

In deze les zit 25 slide, met interactieve quiz, tekstslide en 3 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Welcome to this digital class on networking, specially tailored for your Changemaker action! This lesson wil deepen your networking skills. Have a blast!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Who, what, where?
Okay, let's backtrack for a moment. Who are we again, and what are we doing here?

We are Team Changemakers from the United World College. You're on a social service journey with us for a couple of weeks. During these weeks, we reflect on who you are, what matters to you and how you can use your skills, knowledge, and personality to make the world an even more beautiful place.

We challenge you to become a 'changemaker' too: someone who actively brings about change in our society.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Where were we?
Before we dive back into your project plan, let's recap what stuck with you from the kick-off and workshops. What have you learned since the start of the program? Type out everything that comes to mind.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

What have you learned so far?

Slide 4 - Woordweb

You are well on your way to becoming a true Changemaker! 

We at UWC Netherlands are already very proud of what you've come up with. Let's now zoom in on your network. Grab your workbook, and let's get started!

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

You've already mapped out your own network. You know where to get your materials, knowledge, and expertise.

Now, let's take it a step further...

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Why is networking so important?

Slide 7 - Open vraag

Slide 8 - Video

How big is your network?
Dunbar's theory
The English researcher Dunbar suggests that people have different layers in their network. Click on the numbers to see what each circle represents.

Understanding these layers can help you manage and nurture your network effectively.
These are your closest relationships, typically family and very close friends.
The next layer includes good friends who you might not interact with as frequently as your closest circle, but are still important.
This layer involves a big group of friends: class members, co-workers, team members. There's about 50 of them in this circle.
These are the contacts that are also in your network. They're not friends, but you often know them well: teachers, neighbors, your boss, your coach.
These are your acquaintances: you don't have frequent contact with them, but you do know them.
These are people you've seen around, but you don't necessarily know them personally.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Grab your workbook!
How many people do you know?
Did you expect that many?

Slide 10 - Open vraag

Six handshakes 
Any idea what you can do with that network? We're going to let you experience it. You're only six handshakes away from meeting your idol!
Meer informatie: 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Six handshakes 
Think of someone who seems unreachable for you. Do you have someone in mind? Okay! Now, open your workbook and look at your network. Where do you start? Who in your network might have a connection to that person? 
An example to help you get started: I would like to meet Harry Styles when he is in the Netherlands!
Informatie video (ENG):
Mom, works at a catering company.
Her boss, has a network in Amsterdam and probably knows an entrepreneur there.
Entrepreneur from Amsterdam, met someone who works at the Ziggo Dome at an event.
Employee at the Ziggo Dome knows Harry Styles' producer.
Harry Styles' producer knows... you guessed it ;)
Harry Styles!

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Slide 13 - Video

Fill in your list of materials!
Grab your workbook and go to your project plan. Create of check your list of materials. What do you need, and who will you ask?

Free tip: 

PRO tip:

Als je twijfelt of iemand jullie kan helpen, bedenk vast een tweede persoon: je plan B! Zo voorkom je verrassingen! 
Schrijf er ook een datum bij! Zo heb je een deadline en weet je zeker dat je iets op tijd kunt regelen!
Heb jij ook de digiles over Projectmanagement gevolgd? Dan weet jij hoe belangrijk die planning is!
Summing it up:
1. Just do it!
2. You have a 'no', but you can get a 'yes'.
3. Don't be afraid to ask for help!

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Now, let's continue
You know what materials you need. You know what your network looks like. You know which strangers or organizations you're going to collaborate with.

The next step is... making contact! Making contact can happen in many different ways. For example, approaching someone on the street, sending an email, or giving someone a call. Just a few examples that might be outside your comfort zone!

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Which zone are you in?
Click on the wheel and give it a good spin! In which zone does this form of making content fall for you? Is it your comfort zone, your growth zone or the danger zone?
Weet jij niet meer precies wat de zones betekenen? Kijk in je werkboek op pagina 3! Daar vind je meer uitleg over jouw comfortzone, groeizone en gevarenzone!

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

A little quiz:
How many youngsters do you think are a afraid to make a call?

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

Slide 18 - Video

Making contact I
Now it's your turn. You're going to make contact with a stranger. You have chosen an organization that you want to contribute or collaborate with. With all these tips, you are ready to make contact.
And we will help you on the next slides.

Step 1
Who are you going to call?
More importantly...
Who do you want to speak to? 

Werkt jullie groepje niet met of voor een organisatie? Bedenk dat iets anders wat nu speelt om je heen. Bijvoorbeeld: een winkel bellen om te vragen of iets op voorraad ligt, een fietsenmaker om een afspraak te maken voor je fiets, iemand van marktplaats waarbij je iets op wilt halen.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Step 2: what are you going to say/ask?
Make notes!

Slide 20 - Woordweb

Making contact II

Take the tips from the video:
1. Prepare well! Take notes: jot down questions and goals on paper and gather some information about the company before you make the call.
2. Just do it! Don't procrastinate. Grab your phone! This is probably the only time you get to do it in class today...

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Extra: The conversation I
Practicing a conversation
1. Think about who you are going to have a 
conversation with for your project. This can be someone from an organization or a stranger on the street. Ask yourself: what type of conversation is this? When and where does it take place? 

2. Prepare for this conversation just like you prepared for your phone call. What's your goal? What should you not forget? What compliments can you give the stranger? What prior knowledge do you have or need?

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Extra: The conversation II
Practicing a conversation

3. Now, let's have this conversation in pairs.
You be yourself, and your classmate takes on the role of the 'stranger'. Try to play out this conversation as realistically as possible.
3, 2, 1... ACTION! 

4. That was exciting to do, right? You can learn a lot from these practise conversations. Share your experiences and give feedback. How did the conversation go? What tips do you have, and, most importantly, what do you think went really well?

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

We've reached the end of this lesson. You've truly delved into your network and even made some contact! You're another step closer to becoming a Changemaker. Well done! Until next time.
Team Changemakers!

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

We, too, collaborate with awesome partners and organizations. For this digital lesson, we want to say 'THANKS!' to Young Impact!

Slide 25 - Tekstslide