Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Quiz
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Critical Thinking Quiz

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Should university-level education be free to all students?

Argument: No, too much education can lead to over-qualification, and therefore unemployment
Strong argument
Weak argument

Slide 3 - Quizvraag

The argument only addresses too much education over qualification and the statement does not discuss these issues.  As a result, the argument does not fully address the statement. There it is a weak argument.
Should university-level education be free to all students?

Argument: Yes, having a highly qualified workforce ensures high levels of employee productivity in organizations.
Strong argument
Weak argument

Slide 4 - Quizvraag

If the argument is to be taken as true, then this provides a very clear and relevant benefit to free university education, presenting a strong argument.
Should employers allow all staff the option of flexi-time working hours?

Argument: Yes, giving greater flexibility will improve their work-life balance, and therefore their productivity.
Strong argument
Weak argument

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

The argument provides a clear and direct benefit of the initial statement, and directly addresses the statement, making this a strong argument.
Should employers allow all staff the option of flexi-time working hours?

Argument: Yes, organisations that value their staff are on average more productive and show lower staff turnover.
Strong argument
Weak argument

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

The argument does not specifically address flexi-time; it argues a separate point regarding valuing staff, which is not directly related to the statement and is, therefore, a weak argument.

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In 2008, the U.S. President promised to prevent the country from entering economic depression but he failed because, at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million citizens were unemployed.

Assumption: Unemployment is an indicator of economic depression.
Assumption made
Assumption not made

Slide 8 - Quizvraag

The statement says that the promise of not entering economic depression was not met due to unemployment figures. So the statement has made an assumption that unemployment is indicative of economic depression.
In 2008, the U.S. President promised to prevent the country from entering economic depression but he failed because, at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million citizens were unemployed.

Assumption: The number of US citizens out of work ought to be less than 12 million
Assumption made
Assumption not made

Slide 9 - Quizvraag

The statement uses the level of unemployment as a justification for declaring that the promise of avoiding economic depression had not been met. Regardless of whether unemployment is or isn't a fair measure of economic depression, the statement is assuming that this level of unemployment is worse than what would be considered acceptable
In 2008, the U.S. President promised to prevent the country from entering economic depression but he failed because, at the beginning of 2012, over 12 million citizens were unemployed.

Assumption: Presidents should stick to their promises
Assumption made
Assumption not made

Slide 10 - Quizvraag

The statement does not assume that the President should or should not stick to his promises. It merely claims that the promise was not met on this occasion. The statement doesn't imply that breaking of promises is right or wrong and so does not make the assumption that Presidents should stick to their promises.

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Sarah owns a new company. New companies are more likely to fail than well-established companies. Therefore:

Sarah's company will fail.
Conclusion follows
Conclusion doesn't follow

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

The statement notes that new companies are more likely to fail. This does not mean that all new companies will fail. 
Sarah owns a new company. New companies are more likely to fail than well-established companies. Therefore:

Sarah's company is more likely to fail than a well-established company.
Conclusion follows
Conclusion doesn't follow

Slide 13 - Quizvraag

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May 2012 had the highest level of rainfall on record for the preceding fifty years. Predictions of rainfall are rarely accurate. Therefore:

The rainfall in May 2012 was greater than in May 2011.
Conclusion follows
Conclusion doesn't follow

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

The rainfall in May 2012 was the highest on record for the past 50 years, therefore it must have been higher than the May 2011 levels.
May 2012 had the highest level of rainfall on record for the preceding fifty years. Predictions of rainfall are rarely accurate. Therefore:

It rained more than expected in May 2012
Conclusion follows
Conclusion doesn't follow

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

The information in the statement does not offer a prediction of the amount of rainfall; it only states that predictions of rainfall are rarely accurate. We cannot deduce what the prediction was based on the statement, therefore the conclusion does not follow.

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

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Turkey is a surprising addition to the list of rapidly developing economies; with a GDP increase of 8.5% in the year 2011 alone. However, such a rapid growth leaves worries regarding possible side-effects. For instance, in 2011 Turkey's rate of inflation was well above that of its peers. Secondly, there is increasing concern regarding Turkey's growing dependency on foreign capital. A large portion of the Turkish banking system is part-owned by banks within the Eurozone. As the single currency falters, such a dependency raises questions about the stability of Turkish growth.
INFERENCE: There are concerns that Turkey's development is at risk of faltering in the years after 2011.
Probably true
More information required
Probably false

Slide 17 - Poll

The inference is true. The passage states that Turkey is a surprising addition to the list of countries whose economy is rapidly developing. This suggests that it is performing above expectations. The passage then goes on to note that there are worries regarding the possible side effects of such growth. This suggests that there are concerns such growth will be short-lived.
Turkey is a surprising addition to the list of rapidly developing economies; with a GDP increase of 8.5% in the year 2011 alone. However, such a rapid growth leaves worries regarding possible side-effects. For instance, in 2011 Turkey's rate of inflation was well above that of its peers. Secondly, there is increasing concern regarding Turkey's growing dependency on foreign capital. A large portion of the Turkish banking system is part-owned by banks within the Eurozone. As the single currency falters, such a dependency raises questions about the stability of Turkish growth.
INFERENCE: The Turkish banks are part-owned by European banks as this provides greater variation to the market and extra finance to the economy.
Probably true
More information required
Probably false

Slide 18 - Poll

More information required. The passage fails to mention why the Turkish banks are part-owned by banks. We, therefore, require further information on this point before making this inference.
Turkey is a surprising addition to the list of rapidly developing economies; with a GDP increase of 8.5% in the year 2011 alone. However, such a rapid growth leaves worries regarding possible side-effects. For instance, in 2011 Turkey's rate of inflation was well above that of its peers. Secondly, there is increasing concern regarding Turkey's growing dependency on foreign capital. A large portion of the Turkish banking system is part-owned by banks within the Eurozone. As the single currency falters, such a dependency raises questions about the stability of Turkish growth.
INFERENCE: The Turkish economy was surprisingly stagnant in 2011
Probably true
More information required
Probably false

Slide 19 - Poll

False. The passage notes that the Turkish economy was performing better than expected during 2011. This suggests that it is far from stagnant.