Firstly, asylum seeking children who have lived in the Netherlands for over five years, have built up a life in the Netherlands. There are currently some 400 cases of children that have lived in the Netherlands for 5 years or more, who are going to be deported. (BBC, 2018) Most of those children have never been to their country of origin and do not speak the langue. Also, those children go to school in the Netherlands and have made friends here. It is unethical to send those children to a country they do not know, with people there they do not know and a langue the do not speak.
Secondly, in the Netherlands there is a rule in place, the “kinderpardon”, which prevents that children that are special cases can be send back to their country of origin. A child has lived in the Netherlands for over 5 years, should be one of these special cases and the “kinderpardon” should prevent deportation. A famous case in which the “kinderpardon” should have worked but did not, was with Lily and Howick. Because their mother did not participate in the deportation of her children, Lily and Howick did not qualify for the “kinderpardon”. (Floor Boon, 2018)