What are the potential losses for Poland to join the EU? In your opinion has the polish government efficiently managed such costs since its EU membership in 2004?
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
BedrijfseconomieWOStudiejaar 3
In deze les zitten 8 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.
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Question 2
What are the potential losses for Poland to join the EU? In your opinion has the polish government efficiently managed such costs since its EU membership in 2004?
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Potential Losses of joining the EU
Loss of sovereignty
Economic and legal adjustments
Outflow of workforce
Loss of cultural identity
Political tensions between country and EU
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Government actions to deal with potential losses
Loss of sovereignty
all member states give up some of their sovereignty
foreign investors buying away polish agriculture land
connected to the cultural differences between members
actively influencing EU laws
actively blocking EU laws (EU Foreign Policy, AI Strategy)
no significant loss of sovereignty
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Government actions to deal with potential losses
Economic and Legal Adjustments
economic system change (planned economy -> market economy)
adjust legal framework to match EU
adjustment of agricultural policies to meet EU standards
no euro currency
good job at making the changes necessary to avoid losses
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Government actions to deal with potential losses
Outflow of Workforce
working in member states through bilateral agreements
more migration than expected before joining
highest percentage of citizens living abroad in EU
massive workforce problems
tax reductions and increase of pension funds
really bad job at keeping the workforce in Poland
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Government actions to deal with potential losses
Loss of Cultural Identity
fear of western influence
fear of losing christian identity
increased through immigration
nationalistic parties using it to spread fear
little loss of cultural identity
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Government actions to deal with potential losses
Political Tensions
criticism on stance on different topics
concerns connected to the misuse of EU funding and corruption