Week 2

Dutch Language and Culture
1 / 39
Slide 1: Tekstslide
NT2HBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 39 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Dutch Language and Culture

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  • Year 1, Term 3 (7 lessons)
  • Required part of Communication 1 comprised of English (Linguistic Test), Interview & Report Writing, and Dutch Language and Culture. The TER description can be found on Moodle
  • Course code: 1921IN131C
  • Module manager: Ashley Foy Tervoort, Ashley.FoyTervoort@inholland.nl
  • Attendance: mandatory (minimum 80%)

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Week 1 objectives (class & homework)
-Understand the goals of this course (in class)
-Create groups and select essay topic (in class)
-Learn vocabulary from de Pau's lessons 1-2 (in class) and lessons 3-4 (homework)
-Watch/learn basic alphabet pronunciation (homework)
-Create a mindmap for essay topic and find three sources you can use (in class/homework)
-Watch vocabulary videos on Moodle (homework)

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Week 2 objectives (class & homework)
-Review homework (in class)
-Finalize groups (in class)
-Introduction to Hofstede's cultural dimensions (in class)
-Upload progress on essay topic on Moodle discussion board in week 3 tab (in class/homework)
-Watch vocabulary videos/review grammar lesson on Moodle (homework)

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Quiz prep
Study the lesson 3 & 4 vocabulary lists on Moodle for 5 minutes to prepare for a vocabulary quiz. You will select the English translation for the given Dutch word.

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Upload a photo showing the Dutch word "de voetballer"

Slide 6 - Open vraag

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Write down as many occupations as you remember from the word list IN DUTCH (in het Nederlands)

Slide 7 - Woordweb

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Slide 8 - Sleepvraag

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Write down (in het Nederlands) all the vocabulary words you remember related to "eten en drinken"

Slide 9 - Open vraag

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Group confirmation

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Cultural Dimensions (Hofstede)

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Hofstede’s initial five key dimensions include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity-femininity, and short vs. long-term orientation. Later, researchers added restraint vs. indulgence to this list.

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Power Distance
  • Level of equality between members in a society or organization
  • High degree of power distance = hierarchies, no need for justification
  • Low degree of power = all individuals have a say
  • Where the culture stands usually affects your "status"

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1) What examples do you think of for high power distance vs. low power distance?
2) Where do you think the Dutch fall on this spectrum?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

1) High power distance examples include authoritarian parents, dictators, the army, certain religious organizations, etc. Low power distance examples includes collectives, permissive parents, democracies, etc.

2) The Netherlands scores 38/100 (low) on the power distance scale which means that the following characterises the Dutch style: 
  • Being independent
  • Hierarchy for convenience only 
  • Equal rights
  • Superiors accessible
  • Coaching leader
  • Management facilitates and empowers. 
  • Power is decentralized and managers count on the experience of their team members. 
  • Employees expect to be consulted.
  • Control is disliked and attitude towards managers are informal and on first name basis. 
  • Communication is direct and participative.
Source: https://www.theculturefactor.com/country-comparison-tool?countries=netherlands%2Cunited+states 
Collectivism vs. Individualism
Individualistic societies stress achievement and individual rights, focusing on the needs of oneself and one’s immediate family.  Self-image in this category is defined as “I.”
In contrast, collectivist societies place greater importance on the goals and well-being of the group; self-image in this category more similar to a “We.”
Those from collectivist cultures tend to emphasize relationships and loyalty more than those from individualistic cultures.

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Where do you think Dutch culture falls on this scale?
Highly individualistic
Somewhat individualistic
Somewhat collectivist
Very collectivist

Slide 16 - Poll

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Uncertainty avoidance
  • How tolerant is a culture regarding uncertainty/ambiguity?
  •  To what extent does a society avoid uncertainty to minimize anxiety?
  • How threatening is change to this culture?

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Low or High?
When you see a behavior or occupation, select whether it fits the low uncertainty avoidance or high uncertainty avoidance better.

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Slide 20 - Quizvraag

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Slide 21 - Quizvraag

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Starting a business

Slide 22 - Quizvraag

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Low vs. high uncertainty avoidance in NL
Does this surprise you or confirm what you thought about the Dutch? Any examples?

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Femininity vs. Masculinity (gender roles)
  • How much does a society value traditional feminine vs. masculine roles?
  • A feminine society values cooperation, nurturing, and quality of life 
  •  A masculine society values assertiveness, courage, strength, and competition 
  • A high femininity score indicates that traditionally feminine gender roles are more important in that society
  • A low femininity score indicates that those roles are less important

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What country is likely to have better maternity leave policies and more affordable childcare?
low femininity score
high femininity score

Slide 25 - Poll

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What country is likely to have more women in leadership positions and higher rates of female entrepreneurship?
low femininity score
high femininity score

Slide 26 - Poll

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Lowest masculinity scored countries

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Highest masculinity scored countries

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Name change...

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Work-life balance and equality is more important to the Dutch than individual achievement/external success.

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Short-Term vs. Long-Term Orientation
  • Degree to which cultures encourage delaying gratification or the material, social, and emotional needs of their members 
  • Long-term orientations: focus on the future in a way that delays short-term success in favor of success in the long term
  • Short-term orientation: focus on the near future, involves delivering short-term success or gratification, and places a stronger emphasis on the present than the future

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What traits come to mind when thinking about long term orientations?

Slide 32 - Woordweb

persistence, perseverance, thrift, saving, long-term growth, and the capacity for adaptation
True or false: short term orientations want quick results?

Slide 33 - Quizvraag

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Slide 34 - Tekstslide

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Restraint vs. Indulgence
  • extent and tendency of a society to fulfill its desires
  •  high levels of indulgence allow relatively free gratification
  • restraint: tends to suppress the gratification of needs and regulate them through social norms

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Moodle forum
If we have time in class, we will start this assignment. If not, please complete as homework before the break. 
Upload your latest progress on the essay: mindmap, notes, research questions/thesis ideas, potential sources, etc.

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Week 2 objectives (class & homework)
-Review homework (in class)
-Finalize groups (in class)
-Introduction to Hofstede's cultural dimensions (in class)
-Upload progress on essay topic on Moodle discussion board in week 3 tab (in class/homework)
-Watch vocabulary videos/review grammar lesson on Moodle (homework)

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Enjoy your break!

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