Feedback lesson Dear Esther V3F

Feedback lesson Dear Esther V3F
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Feedback lesson Dear Esther V3F

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  1. Flashback last lesson
  2. Feedback practice letters
  3. Time to improve letter
  4. Time to ask questions

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Writing assignment 
You are going to write some professional advice for a teen with a question or problem regarding sex and/or sexuality. You will write on behalf of a sexologist named Esther who works for a teen magazine. Readers of this magazine send in their questions monthly. As an employee of this magazine, you are responsible for selecting a question to which you will give a friendly, helpful, and professional reply.

- Use biology vocabulary to give good advice, based on knowledge gained during sexual education.
- The advice is well structured and easy to understand, use polite language with a proper beginning and end.
- Show respect and compassion
- Use 150-200 words
- Do not use any resources other than a Dutch-English dictionary

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The rubric
  1. Biology vocubulary: correct use and explanation of learned biology vocubulary related to relations and sex.
  2. Structure and comprehension: the letter is structured and the advice is in logical order
  3. Compassion: you show respect and understanding.
  4. Advice quality: the advice is correct and supported with arguments
  5. basic requirement. 150 -200 word count

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Good points in general
- Use of structure in the text:
opening - middle part - closing part  - 
arguments are in logical order
- Compassion is shown:
" I understand" , I am sorry that you have missed your party, " You are not alone" 
Giving multiple type of advice
" You could use a tampon, or menstrual cup" . " Think about communication ... you could use lube ... begin with foreplay.

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Room for improvement in general
-Not explaining terms
" You could use the pill".  "Maybe you can try a special tampon".
Advice is (not) enough supported by argument
" use a cup for swimming " --> what, how, why? 
- The difference between solutions is not shown.
" What is the difference between a cup and tampon? " 

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Write from a perspective to someone who does not know anything.

But do not forget the respect and compassion part

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Don't forget compassion!
Dear girl,
u can use a tampon and if you find it scary don't do it. it is hard but it is your problem. You can search online for something maar IDK and why are you asking me IDK. Maybe you can do it with your mom. For the 1000 time it is your problem. 
Kind regards,

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Example question 1
Dear Esther,
The difference between my penis in a flaccid state and an erection is very small. To be honest, I am quite unsure about the size of my penis; it’s about 7 cm long both in flaccid and erection. Does the size of my penis matter?

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Example 1 

I heard that your penis is very small even though it is hard I don’t think you know how you should handle this situation. I cant talk about my own situation but from what I heard you shouldn’t worry someday he will grow although it might take a while.
Even when you’re in bed size doesn’t matter its all about how you use it that is the part that takes skill. Having a small one does have advantages like it fitting in your pants that is easier.
In a flaccid state 7 cm is still good and being stiff and not growing isn’t even that bad u just have to remember that you aren’t the only one who has it there are many more peoples with the same problems stop worrying and get happy

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What tip would you give example 1?

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Example question 2

Dear Esther,
I have gotten my period multiple times now, and normally I use a menstrual pad. The last time I was on my period, I was invited to a pool party. I did not go because my menstrual pad was visible in my bathing suit. What menstrual product can I use if I want to swim while I am on my period?

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Example 2 

Dear anonymous girl,
Thank you for your question. If you want to go swimming, of course you can go. Even if you are on your period. Using a pad is indeed not very useable in water, but you could use something else, like a tampon. Tampons absorbs the blood, so that means you could swim without worrying to leak. You could find the tampons in a chemist or a supermarket. They’re bullet-formed with a small thin string underneath. But make sure you remove the tampon between 4-8 hours. If you let it sit for too long, it could cause different types of diseases. I know it could be a bit scary for the first time, but it will all be fine, you just need to get used to it. So next time, you should go, with a tampon!
Kind regards,

Example 3

Dear anonymous girl,
Thanks for your question. What a shame you couldn't go to that party. You can use different things if you’re on your period. For example, you can use a menstrual cup. This is kind of a cup, which you can put into your vagina, a disadvantage is that it can be hard to put it in because you need to fold it. Further, you can use a tampon. This is a kind of cotton ball, and this absorbs the blood, it is easier to put in and to take out.
If you think it is scary to put something in your vagina, which is understandable you can also take the pill, the pill stops your period, and this can you use more days. So if you’re on vacation it is also a very handy solution! I would check what you think is the best for you, because it depends on everyone what you like.

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Which letter is the best?
Example 2
Example 3

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Breaking news AI has been used

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Example question 3
Dear Esther,
I have been in a relationship for over six months now. I am ready for first-time intercourse, but I am scared to hurt my girlfriend during penetration. My question is, does sex hurt for ladies?

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Example 4 
Hello anonymous boy,

Thanks for your question. You’re not the only one who askes themselves this.i will give the answer in just a second. First I will tell you that its important to talk with your girlfriend. Ask what she wants and what not. Secondly, you will need a condome with good lube on it. This will help with the intercourse. And lastly communicate during it. This can be very uncomfortable but that will go away after a shot period of time. And to answer your question: No in most circumstances it will not hurt the woman during the sex. Only in rare situations it will hurt. When you have a STD for example. STD means Sexual Transmitted Disease By the way. And if the woman has a wound or something. Otherwise there is no reason for the woman to experience pain during intercourse.
I hope I answerd your question right!

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Is example 4 AI?

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

Questions so far about the writing test?

Slide 19 - Open vraag

Analyse your own product
  1. Look at the feedback and the rubric. Write down what is good and what can be improved.

  2. Discuss your letter with your neighbour and compare your letter who's is better and write down why.

  3. Type an improved letter on your laptop

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What will you do differently tomorrow on the test?

Slide 21 - Open vraag

I feel confident about tomorrow's test

Slide 22 - Poll

What to bring to the test
  • Charged laptop
  • Wordbook NL - Eng --> Tip! Mediatheek

On the test
  • List of questions, you can choose your own option

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