Period 2 Basisvaardigheden week 9 Into the wild - SA preparation

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 36 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Overview period 1
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Find out who Chris is and why he left home. 

Meet people who had impact on Chris. 
Follow Chris's journey through the USA. 
Into the wild. Follow Chris to Alaska. 
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Make new friends on the road. Writing postcards.
Your task:
Write a credo. 
Your task:
Complile a bucketlist.
Write a letter to your future self. 
SA Preparation

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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This unit
  • Find out who Chris is and why he left home.
  • Meet people who had an impact on him.
  • Follow Chris on his travels.
  • Discover where his journey ends.
  • Listen to, read and learn about personal credos, bucket lists and letters to a future self.
  • Write your personal credo, compile a personal bucket list, and talk about your future.

Improve your language skills 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Unit 2 Into the wild
A. Comprehending spoken or visual text ( Watching / Listening)
B. Comprehending written text (Reading)
C. Communicating in respons to written or visual text (Speaking)
D. Using language in written form (Writing)

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This lesson
  • Evaluate the listening, reading and writing you have learned while studying this unit

Improve your language skills 

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Slide 7 - Link

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SA preparation written test

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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SA preparation listening

Watching and listening
Watch a vlog by adventurist Matt Field. Answer the questions.

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SA preparation listening
Watching and listening

Watch a vlog by adventurist Matt Field. 

Answer the questions.

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1. What is Matt going to do on the island?
He is going to survive, with only a couple of essential items, on the island.
He is going to walk to the other side of the island as fast as he can.
He’s going to find his way to a location where a helicopter will pick him up.

Slide 11 - Quizvraag

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2. Why is Matt looking for rubbish on the island?
to clean up the plastic so animals won’t swallow it
to find signs of other people living on the island
to see if there’s anything that he can use

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

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3. Why is walking through the mangrove forest difficult for Matt?

Slide 13 - Open vraag

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4. Why can’t Matt get any coconuts?
The coconut trees are surrounded by mosquitoes.
The coconut trees are too high to climb.
The coconuts are firmly attached to the trees.

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5. How did Matt finally get a coconut?
by shaking the tree so the coconut fell
by throwing stones at the coconuts
by using a branch to get the coconuts

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

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SA preparation reading 

Read the job advertisement. Answer questions 1 and 2.


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Answer these questions


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1. What is the job in this advertisement?
acting as a tour guide
supervising activities
teaching children English

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2. Is this a job you would like to do?
Explain your answer.

Slide 19 - Open vraag

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Answer these questions


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Answer these questions


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3. How did the men end up on the island of Fanadik?
The sail of their boat was broken and they were stranded on the island.
Their boat overturned and they swam to the deserted island.
They were lost at sea but saw the island and decided to go there.

Slide 22 - Quizvraag

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4. How long did it take before the missing men were found?
17 hours
1 day
3 days

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5. How were the men rescued from the island?
A local boat was passing and saw the stranded men.
A plane noticed a message the men had made out of leaves.
The coastguard saw the men waving their orange life vests.

Slide 24 - Quizvraag

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SA preparation writing

You are at your favourite holiday destination. 
You’re going to write a message to your friend.


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Write the letter
You are at your favourite holiday destination. You’re going to write a message to your friend.

Make sure to write something about:
– where you are (place)
– when you will leave this place
– what you’re planning to do in the coming days
– when you will arrive home again

You can make up the information.
Use at least 30 words in total.


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Upload your letter:

Slide 27 - Open vraag

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Compare your letter
You are at your favourite holiday destination. You’re going to write a message to your friend.

Make sure to write something about:
– where you are (place)
– when you will leave this place
– what you’re planning to do in the coming days
– when you will arrive home again
You can make up the information.
Use at least 30 words in total.


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Fill in the correct words.
Choose from: 

approximately – border – career – convince – disappear – figure out – immensely – look up to – position – savings.


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Compare your answers


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SA preparation speaking
MYP objectives:
Criterion C: speaking 
A. Explain your personal credo
B. Be prepared to talk about your future plans. 

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SA preparation speaking
A. Explain your personal credo:
  • Explain the set of beliefs or values that guide your actions and decisions in life. Think about your experiences, the things you believe in, and how these beliefs affect the way you live.

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SA preparation speaking
B. Be prepared to talk about your future plans:
  • What is your biggest dream to have fulfilled in 1 or 2 years' time?
  • What exactly would you like to have accomplished in 6 months' time?
  • What went well in the past year and what didn't go so well? How can you use this knowledge to improve your future?

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Unit 2 Into the wild
A. Comprehending spoken or visual text ( Watching / Listening)
B. Comprehending written text (Reading)
C. Communicating in respons to written or visual text (Speaking)
D. Using language in written form (Writing)

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This lesson
  • Evaluate the listening, reading and writing you have learned while studying this unit

Improve your language skills 

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8. Afsluiting
De docent controleert in de slotfase van de les of de leerdoelen door alle leerlingen behaald zijn en plaatst de les in de context van de betreffende Unit. De docent evalueert samen met de leerlingen het leren en het gedrag op basis van het Learner Profile en de ATL-skills. Dit wordt vastgelegd in Toddle. Samen blikken docent en leerlingen vooruit aan de hand van de JdW-planner.