3 H/V wk 17: 20/4 Monday classes (90 minutes) unit 5

Bring into practise what you've learnt so far!
In order to be able to do today's task you should           know:             
  • new vocabulary and expressions   (lessons 21 and 22)              
  • about arranged marriages                                                                       
  • how to use nearly all verb tenses (except for the past                 perfect)                                                                                                           
  •  the construction of if-clauses (= if-zinnen)                                     
  •  the genetive construction (which expresses possession)      
  •  how to use some and any                                                                        

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 17 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Bring into practise what you've learnt so far!
In order to be able to do today's task you should           know:             
  • new vocabulary and expressions   (lessons 21 and 22)              
  • about arranged marriages                                                                       
  • how to use nearly all verb tenses (except for the past                 perfect)                                                                                                           
  •  the construction of if-clauses (= if-zinnen)                                     
  •  the genetive construction (which expresses possession)      
  •  how to use some and any                                                                        

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

                  WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? 
Pretend that one of your classmates is going to interview you on the topic of arranged marriages
In this interview you'll have to answer 8 questions which you'll find on the slides after the instructions.
Please follow each step of the instructions carefully and in the order presented to you. 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

- all of you you will be asked to make a sound or video/sound recording, so make sure that you know how to do that. You can use your computer, laptop or mobile; it may be wise to find out if you can do this before you read on. Afterwards you'll have to share this audio/video file with me/send it to me
- you will be set a list with 8 questions that you are to answer. In your answers you must use  the (Dutch) cues between brackets and are free to add any other sensible/relevant information. 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide


- read the 8 questions (orange slides) and take some time to think about how to answer them. Remenber: you are not to look up any information in your books; just make use of everything that you have prepared for today's English lessons.
- if you have thought about the answers you can actually start carrying out the task
- you could either ask someone else to read out the questions which you're going to answer OR........

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

- ....... you could read out the questions yourself and answer
- If you read out the questions yourself, please keep in mind that I must be able to distinguish between question and answer so add a clear pause in between them
- there is one question per slide, so you can go on slowly but steadily

- If you find it helpful you can write down some key words to help you order your thoughts; don't write down 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

After you've read the questions, look at the cues (in brackets) that you must use in your answer; don't translate too much but just think of how you could put this into  good English.  
MIND: your performance is about natural speech! 
You may practise first before recording.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

                 speech assessment
Your performance will be judged on:
- natural speech/intonation
- pronunciation/ clarity of speech
- use of vocabulary
- use of grammar
- content >> adding information to the bare minimum of cues will be well appreciated!!
There will be a difference in marking scale between HAVO and VWO 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

                       8 Questions
1. interviewer: What is your opinion on the topic of arranged marriages as a topic for class discussion?

    you: [ongeschikt voor 3e klassers: die zijn niet met dit onderwerp bezig en het is ook vrij onbekend]

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

2. interviewer:  Do you think the topic of teenage pregnancies would have been a better subject for this interview?

    you: [ook een gevoelig onderwerp:  kan leiden tot uiteenvallen van een gezin en abortus/ jongens van mijn leeftijd vinden het ongemakkelijk om er over te praten]

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

3. interviewer: OK, let's stick to arranged marriages then. Do you know any girls in a situation like this?

    you: [nee, ik niet, maar toevallig in een gesprek van mijn zus over gehoord: haar beste vriendin dacht er over om ergens anders onderdak te zoeken omdat haar ouders willen dat zij met een vreemde trouwt; maar mijn zus heeft haar overgehaald om bij ouders te blijven]   

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

4.  interviewer: What are the risks for girls who have to take part in an arranged marriage?
     you:  [school niet afmaken en vrienden niet meer kunnen zien + voeg zelf nog een nadeel toe]

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

5.  interviewer:  Are there any advantages        to an arranged marriage as well?

      you: [ik kan er niet veel bedenken, maar... je hebt altijd toestemming van je ouders/ culturele traditie/ + zelf 1  voordeel toevoegen]

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

6.  interviewer: What would be your advice for a girl who finds herself in a situation like this?

 you:  [iemand in vertrouwen nemen/ de optie overwegen om naar een refuge(=opvanghuis) te gaan/ praten met ouders om hen te ontmoedigen]

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

7.  interviewer: What do you think is the worst consequence for the future of a girl whose marriage is arranged? 

      you: [er zijn een paar serieuze risico's:  1. als ze met vreemde trouwt wordt ze ongelukkig (leg uit waarom: ongeschikte echtgenoot/ weg van vrienden)/ 2. kan geen eigen baan kiezen

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

8. interviewer:  Do you think your sister's friend will have to obey her parents?

     you: [volgens mijn zus kan ze weigeren; 
het is geen gedwongen huwelijk en als zij voet bij stuk houdt is het huwelijk van de baan (= to be off). Eerlijk gezegd vind ik een gearrangeerd huwelijk een krankzinnig idee!

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

You're done now! Don't forget to check the ( quality of the) recording and then send it to me. 

You'll find information on what to expect for next Firday's lesson on the next slide

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

You won't be set any homework for next  Friday. You do get another LessonUp in which you are expected to work in your Coursebook and Workbook.  
This LessonUp is not available yet;  I'd advise you to check Friday's SOM entry to see whether I added some info on this. If I did, the LessonUp is available.

On this same Friday there will be a group meeting as well. (see SOM)


Slide 17 - Tekstslide