Is it any wonder that most people we know spend their free time trying to find the next big idea for an app that will help users find a restaurant, learn a language, or make a payment? Probably not. But it does leave one wondering what the next career trend will be and secretly hoping it arrives soon.” What do you think will be the next career trend in technology? Why?
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Slide 1: Open vraag
EnglishSecondary Education
In deze les zit 1 slide, met interactieve quiz.
Lesduur is: 45 min
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Is it any wonder that most people we know spend their free time trying to find the next big idea for an app that will help users find a restaurant, learn a language, or make a payment? Probably not. But it does leave one wondering what the next career trend will be and secretly hoping it arrives soon.” What do you think will be the next career trend in technology? Why?
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