Leeuwarden - VT - Lecture 1

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Slide 1: Link
Engels op de Nederlandse BasisschoolHBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Slide 1 - Link

Welcome in English Class!

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Which English word describes you best?

Slide 3 - Open vraag

English is compulsary in Primary School

Slide 4 - Poll

Engels in de Flankerende lijn
- Vak "TALEN" samen met (Fries en) Nederlands​
- Jaar 1, 2 en 3, ongeveer 2 à 3 lessen per periode
 - 3EC per semester voor alle drie talen gezamenlijk​
- Colleges bestaan uit: theorie + inspiratie + tijd om aan taalleesdossier opdrachten te werken

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

What does "EC" mean?
Education Credit
European Credit
Evaluation Credit
Electronic Credit

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

De studielast van de vakken wordt uitgedrukt in ECTS credit points (European Credit Transfer System). 

Eén ECTS credit point is gelijk aan 28 uur studie.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Learning Objectives Year 1
- Students should be able to recognize and articulate the importance of English language teaching in primary education. ​
- Students should be able to adapt their teaching methods to their learners' needs. ​
- Students should be able to independently teach communicative language teaching activities, giving effective and succinct instruction to their class. ​
- Students should be able to prove that their command of the English language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) is of satisfactory level (at least CEFR level B1) to teach elementary activities/lessons. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Assignments Language Portfolio Year 1
1. Diagnostic intake test Hogeschooltaal English ​

2. Views on teaching English at primary level​
3. Curriculum, learner’s needs, and children’s books (read 3 children’s books on three levels)​
4. Teaching activities (3 short activities)​
5. Elevator Pitch (presentation of your ‘language-portfolio)

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

HTT formatieve -> week 39 (2022)
HTT formatieve -> week 8 (2023)

Summative Assessment Semester 1 -> 16 January 2023
Summative Assessment Semester 2 -> 26 June 2023

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

In Class...
...we speak English as much as possible​

...it’s okay to make grammar and pronunciation mistakes​
...you don’t hesitate to ask the teacher or peers for help ​
...we inspire each other​ and have fun learning together​
...we partly learn through theory, but mostly through doing/experiencing.​
...you remind the teacher in case she speaks/goes too fast​
...we keep social media  

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Assignment 3
Read 3 English (picture) books suitable for primary school children.
Book 1: suitable for years 1/2
Book 2: suitable for years 3/4/5
Book 3: suitable for years 6/7/8
Analyze existing lesson (plans) or units from the course books used at your placement school and design an infographic on the  English curriculum and its learning trajectories. In addition, you will use your books of choice to indicate their suitability for these learner groups, bearing in mind the use of vocabulary, sentence length, rhyme etc.

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Slide 14 - Tekstslide


Slide 15 - Tekstslide