1. You can name 2 effects of the Persian greek war for Greece and 1 for Persia.
Effects = gevolgen.
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Vraag 1: Waar denk je aan bij het woord 'democratie'?
Vraag 2: What is Ostracism?
Beantwoord eerst vraag 1 met je buurman/buurvrouw
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Oorzaak en gevolg
Ik ben te laat van huis gegaan / fietssleutel kwijt
Ik kom te laat op school
Ik moet morgenvroeg om 8 uur melden
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Persian empire
- Really big!!
- King named Darius
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First Persian war
Darius wants Greek cities.
He is jealous of their culture.
Darius brings great army to Greece. But he
needs a lot of ships to attack the cities of
Athens, Delphi and Thebes.
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Battle of marathon (490 bc)
One of the most bloodiest battles in antiquity (oudheid)
Athens vs Persia
Land war but Persians use ships to land in Marathon.
Greeks in minority.
But Greeks win!
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The empire strikes back: Second persian war
Darius had died, his son Xerxes is now king of Persia.
Sparta and thebe vs Persians
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Battle of Thermopylae
7000 Spartan hoplites vs 120.000! Persian soldiers!
Sparta Outnumbered!
Hill battle: Spartan ambush (hinderlaag)
Second day: Sparta gets betrayed.
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Result of Battle of Thermopylae
Persians win, but at high cost because:
A lot of Persians (10.000) are killed by Sparta.
This battle is remembered for the courage and sacrifice of the Spartans.
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At the same time: Naval battle! (480 bc)
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The Persian navy was much larger, but the Greeks had faster and more maneuverable ships. The Greeks, tricked the Persians into fighting in a narrow strait where their large ships couldn’t move easily. This Greek victory weakened the Persian forces.
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Key reason Greek victory of Persian in this war.
- Smaller armies
- Trained better
-Athens and Sparta worked together
- Greeks knew their own terrority much better.
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Effects (gevolgen) Greek Persian war
- Greek cities create Delian league, to defend against enemies in the future.
-Greek cities become powerful and their culture gets more influence.
- Persia stopped invading (binnenvallen Greece.
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Learning goal
1. You can name 2 effects of the Persian greek war for Greece and 1 for Persia.