H4 essay literature

  1. Booklist - check your name/books on excell sheet... (e-mail)
  2. Test date (H4d: Tue 11/3 (3rd) and H4c: Wed 12/3 (6th))
  3. Charged laptop & Safe Exam Browser installed, wb NE
  4. Pen - in case you need to write by hand

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

  1. Booklist - check your name/books on excell sheet... (e-mail)
  2. Test date (H4d: Tue 11/3 (3rd) and H4c: Wed 12/3 (6th))
  3. Charged laptop & Safe Exam Browser installed, wb NE
  4. Pen - in case you need to write by hand

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

i       = interpunction (punctuation)           Cap   = capitalization (hoofdletters)
sp   = spelling                                                      v        = vocab  
g     = grammatical error                                 r        = redundancy / repetition
c     = coherence / clarity lacking               Spc  = spacing
inc = incomplete (needs expanding)      run-on = geen correcte begrenzing      wo = word order                                                                   tussen zinnen.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

SAMPLES from some of you (1 of 3)
  • The first book I have red (g) is the book (r) Eleanor and park (Cap) by Rainbow, Rowell.(wo) 
  • The story is set in Omaha, Nebraska, in the 1980's. (sp - no apostrophe)
  • The book is on different places happening. (g/c) 
  • = The story takes place in different locations. 
  • INC. WHY IS THE SETTING IMPORTANT TO THE NARRATIVE? 1980s suburbia: no social media or mobile phones/ teens heavily influenced by pop culture & television /conservative politics/ white flight   <NOTE: best use italics (cursief) when referring to the novel>

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

EXAMPLES from some of you (2 of 3)
  • The hunger games (cap)  is set in an (g) fictionel  (sp) world in the future the districts (cap) are poor but where they fight is in a big city where the rich life (g) they fight in an (g) controlled space with nature and weapons (i) flowing water and trees its (g) important because it ads (sp) a layer to the book. RUN-ON! /c
  • ALT: The Hunger Games is set in a fictional world in the future. The Districts are impoverished, but the arena where the fights take place is in a large city where the rich live. The arena is a controlled environment ... trees. This setting ........ adds a layer of complexity to ....

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

EXAMPLES from some of you (3 of 3)
  • Looking for Alaska: Miles moves to a boarding school in Alabama, Culver Creeks. ((Inc)
  • In Looking for Alaska, Miles moves.....
  • He will have a Carachter (sp) development caused by (g) his friends, Colonel and Alaska, and because of the situations he will get in. (c) His friends like Pranks (cap), Drinking (cap) and smoking,  (i) one night everything changes. (inc)
  • Miles undergoes significant character development through his friendships with Colonel and Alaska. At the beginning of the book, Miles is an awkward and lonely teenager. His friendships in Culver Creek help him grow into a more mature and involved person.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

  • Where & when: "The setting takes place in..." / "The novel is set in ......"
  • How do you know:  "The novel includes direct references to  [historical events]..... or: "The setting isn't explicitly stated but is hinted at through small details, like........".
  • Why:"The choice of [time period/place] is significant because it reflects.... /highlights / influences the [plot / character development / themes]......."


Slide 6 - Tekstslide

  • "One of the central themes in this novel is..."
  • "Another important (or recurring) theme is........"
  • "Through the characters' experiences, the novel explores the idea of ......"

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  •  "This book belongs to the  [fantasy] genre."
  • Why?
  • "Novels in this genre are characterized by ............."
  • "This genre typically explores themes like..."
  • "The plot focuses on....."

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SENTENCE STARTERS -character development
  • "A crucial (or  turning) point in the protagonist's development occurs when ....."
  • "As the story progresses, we see the protagonist evolve (or change) from ...... into someone.....


Slide 9 - Tekstslide

SENTENCE STARTERS - point of view
  •  "The narration (or story) of this novel is told in a  [first person/ second person/third person / in alternating points] point of view."

  • "The narrator's point of view in this novel is significant because..."

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

SENTENCE STARTERS -opinion / target audience
  • "I believe that... / In my opinion, / From my perspective, I think that..."
  • "I would recommend this book to ......"
  • "Fans of [genre or book title] will certainly enjoy reading ...."
  • "This is a must-read for people who like....."

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