B1 Speakout unit 3A. Questions: Facts and figures.

Planning Period 3:
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 16 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Planning Period 3:

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SpeakOut lesson 3a: Facts and figures

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In this lesson, Ss learn vocabulary related to knowledge. Then they complete a quiz and listen to two people discussing the quiz to check their answers. From this listening, Ss review and practise question forms. They listen to and produce correct stress in questions, and quiz a partner on their general knowledge. Ss then complete a personal quiz and interview a partner about their answers. Finally, they write an email requesting information, focusing on formality.

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Do you enjoy watching quiz shows?
Are they popular in your family?
What do you think you know a lot about?
What don't you know much about?
Today's class
Understand a discussion about a quiz: knowledge; verbs and nouns.

Talk about things that are important to you: question forms.

Write an email asking for information: use phrases for emails.

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Guess the question to these answers!
1. Canberra
2. Robert Downey Jr.
3: Jupiter
4: Brazil (several times)
5. Yuri Gagarin

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Questions ( words may vary slightly)
1. What’s the capital of Australia?
2. Who played Ironman (in the Ironman films)? 
3. Which planet has the most moons?
4. Which football team has won the most World Cups?
5. Who was the first person in space

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People who would like to know about different subject have questions. How do you ask questions in English? Yes, question words. 
What do you know?
Do this alone.
Done? Check with your partner. 

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2B. Encourage Ss to identify the part of speech of the words in bold in the texts as this will help them to match the words to the definitions. In feedback, teach solve problems as a collocation. Help Ss understand the difference between general knowledge and data. Note that note down is a separable phrasal verb, so note new information down is possible.
What do you know?
Exercise 2C

Do this alone and leave a gap where the word/expression from 2A would be.

Swap with partner: guess!


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2B. Encourage Ss to identify the part of speech of the words in bold in the texts as this will help them to match the words to the definitions. In feedback, teach solve problems as a collocation. Help Ss understand the difference between general knowledge and data. Note that note down is a separable phrasal verb, so note new information down is possible.
What is your general knowledge?
Exercise 3A/B and C

Do this alone.


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Do exercise 3 and then as a group listen to 3B and 3C.
Speaking in pairs
Have a look at your partner's personal quiz.
Prepare some questions.

Time's up?
Do 7D

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To finish
Please get ready to finish this lesson together.

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Create your own personal quiz!

Work in pairs

Use the "W"-question words

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