Koopman lesson 2 group B

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 24 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Today's class
  • Starter: Ten over half what??

  • Main course:
-  Grammar: Parts of Speech and word order.

  • Dessert: looking forward + homework

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Telling time
'I will see you at ten over half four' 

This person was trying to say: I will see you at 3.40. 
This person failed.

Let's look at the remedy!

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Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Stel vragen:
At what time did you get up this morning?
At what time did you go to bed yesterday?
At what time will you leave school today?
At what time will you get home?
After midnight

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Stel vragen:
School opens at 7 in the morning. Is that AM or PM.
I leave school at 5 o'clock. Is that AM or PM.

  • We always use "at" to talk about times on the clock.
  • 'at' is also used to talk about mealtimes.
  • We use 'at night' to talk about nights in general (nachten)
  • We use 'in the night' when you talk about a specific moment or short time during the night. 
  • We use 'on time' when thing go according to schedule.
  • We use 'in time' when you need enough time to do something.
  • We use 'overtime' to talk about working longer than your usual hours.

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Time! examples
  • The shop opens at 9 o'clock.
  • I will see you at dinner later this evening.
  • It gets very dark at night.
  • She got up en got herself something to drink in the night.
  • The train left on time.
  • She want to get into the office in time to get some work done.
  • I've been working overtime to pay for my concert tickets.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Expressions with time
  • Quality time
  • No time like the present
  • Time will tell
  • Third time's a charm
  • Running out of time
  • Spend your time wisely
  • It is a just a matter of time
  • Killing time
  • Time is money
  • Time is up 

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Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Parts of speech
In English there are 8 parts of speech
In Dutch you call them: woordsoorten
(for example: lidwoord, werkwoord etc.)

Do you know all eight?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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Parts of speech

Slide 12 - Woordweb

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The parts of speech
zelfstandig naamwoord
persoonlijk voornaamw.
bijvoeglijk naamwoord 
Lidwoorden worden gezien als onderdeel van bijvoeglijk naamwoorden.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide


articles are actually a type of determiner (adjective) because of this it is not included in parts of speech.


Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Spiekbriefje voor bij devolgende opdracht.
Deze flashcard kan groot op het bord wanneer de studenten werken aan de opdracht.

Word order: differences

Mijn vrienden willen vanavond naar een Italiaans
restaurant gaan.

My friends want to go to an Italian restaurant tonight.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

In het Nederlands ziet een standaard zin er zo uit:
Onderwerp (wie) - Werkwoord (doet) Tijd (wanneer) Plaats (Waar)- 2e werkwoord (wat)
In het Engels ziet een standaard zin er zo uit:
Time (tijd) - Subject (wie) - Verbs (doet) - Object (wat) - Place

Verschil bespreken door middel van het voorbeeld.
(waar) - Time (wanneer)
Name the Parts of Speech
- John drove in a very pink car, and, yikes, he disliked the color. 

- I saw John driving an extremely ugly car today, so I called him and said: wow! You should buy a new car, man!

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Schrijf de zin op een blaadje en zet er per woord in het Engels bij wat de woordsoort is.

Zin in het Engels opgeschreven?
Zet dan de FLASHCARD van de vorige slide op het bord.

John = noun
drove = verb
in = preposition
a = adjective (article)
very = adverb
pink = adjective
car = noun
and = conjunction 
yikes = interjection 
he = pronoun
disliked = verb
the = article
color = noun
I = pronoun
saw = verb 
John = noun
driving = verb
an = adjective (article)
extremely = adverb
ugly = adjective
car = noun
today, = adverb
so = conjunction
I = pronoun
called = verb
him = pronoun
and = conjunction
said: = verb
wow! = interjection
You = pronoun
should = verb
buy = verb
a = adjective (article)
new = adjective
car, = noun
man! = pronoun

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Today = noun > when today is the subject of a sentence WHAT: Today was a good day.
Today = adverb > refers to time WHEN: I went shopping today.

Try this out!
Work in pairs.
Start with the noun 
'the teacher' 
Add at least 10
adjectives, verbs, adverbs and places (= where).
Write them in the right box.

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Starting with a boring sentence like 'The monkey jumped' you can create a new, interesting 'dressed-up' sentence by adding adjectives, verbs, adverbs and different places.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Worksheet printen.
Try this out!
Work in pairs.
Start with the noun 
'the office worker' 
Add at least 10
adjectives, verbs, adverbs and places (= where).
Write them in the right box.


Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Studenten denken in tweetallen na over woorden die ze in kunnen vullen in de vakken. 
Staan de woorden in de juiste box?

verbs = blz 143 in je boek.
Try this out!
Try and make an extremely gigantic beautiful long sentence! 
This is a competition :)


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Welk groepje kan binnen de tijd de langste, goed lopende zin maken?
Looking ahead
The next 8 weeks:
Starters: how to be correct when using English

Main course
Tenses: past, present, future
Writing an email/letter
Expanding vocabulary

During class:
Speaking practice.

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

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Listen to a podcast
Write down at least 10 new words you have heard.

Finish the worksheet:
Sentence building
Take your worksheet to class next week.

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Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Dessert 1.1

Four flags
- UK, Canada, Australia = Common Wealth
- USA = Independent

Four flags
- UK, USA, Australia = red, white and blue
- Canada = red and white

Four flags
- British Pounds
- Canadian, American, Australian dollars