Reading lesson 2 vwo

Reading lesson
In preparation for  your upcoming test
1 / 39
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 39 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Reading lesson
In preparation for  your upcoming test

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Learning aims
After this lesson, the students will know what to do before reading a text (pre-reading strategies), whilst reading a text and after reading a text.

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Reading strategies 
pre-reading phase, reading phase, post-reading phase.

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pre-reading phase 
Look at the title 
cursive/ words in bolt
skim and scan 
What do I already know about the subject? (prior knowledge)
What do I think this text is about (prediction)
Look at the questions (but not the answers) 

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Reading phase 
After reading the questions you start reading the text. Mark in the text where you think the possible answers on the questions might be.
usually, not always, the text and questions are build chronologically, so the answer on the first question can be found before the answer on the second question.
formulate your own answer on the questions.

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After reading phase
Look at the questions again and see which answer comes closest to your own formulated answer on the question.

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for the test
  • 3xA is a possibility.
  • Also when you have a question with true or false there is a possibility that all statements are true or all statements are false.
  • If you don't know the answer leave the question open and continue, look at the question again, when you have finished all the other questions. If you still don't know the answer take a guess. Never leave a question open, because this is always marked as incorrect.
  • Make sure you sleep and eat well before the test. 

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Difficult words during the test
You may encounter some difficult words during the test, how to deal with them?
1) Do I need to understand this word to understand the text or to answer a question? Yes/no?
2) Can I guess the meaning by looking at the surrounding words/sentences?
3) Do I know a word in an other language that looks similar (watch out for false friends)
4) Look it up in your dictionary 

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Too flush with marks

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Question 1
Hoe kwam deze Duitser tot zijn domme daad? Vul de volgende zin in je uitwerkbijlage aan: Hij was van mening dat ...

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(Hij was van mening dat) het geld/de Duitse marken niets meer waard was/waren. / hij het geld niet meer om kon wisselen voor euro’s.

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One player, one book

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Wat vindt John Biggs van de Playaway? Hij vindt.....
dat de Playaway makkelijker via internet op te laden zou moeten zijn.
de Playaway vooral aantrekkelijk omdat hij makkelijk te gebruiken is.
het jammer dat er maar een enkel boek op de Playaway staat.

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Playaway hopes to change all that by making an audio book purchase as easy as plopping down a credit card at the airport gift shop.

IPod owners may smirk at a one-book-only device, but I think Playaway may be the easiest and fastest way to get from the store to Chapter 1.

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Text 3

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Bij al deze toeristische attracties vind je Romeinse overblijfselen. Je wilt ergens heen waar nog steeds opgravingen uitgevoerd worden.

Waar ga je dan naar toe?
Schrijf het nummer op.

Slide 16 - Open vraag

3 Vindolanda Fort & Museum Entry: £4.50
Near Bardon Mill.
Tel: (01434) 344277
Fort & civilian settlement with ongoing excavations & museum.
Open: From 1000, closing mid Feb- end Mar, 1700; Apr-Sept, 1800; Oct- mid Nov, 1700; mid Nov-mid Feb, Wed-Sun, 1700.

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Off yew go, yew poisonous so-and-so

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Welke toon gebruikt de schrijver in deze ingezonden brief? De toon is:
A bewonderend. B bezorgd. C onverschillig. D spottend. E woedend.

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 Yet it is an abiding principle of the health and safety industry that the worst must be assumed at all times – which is why, not long ago, another council axed its chestnut trees in case the conkers rained down, possibly fatally, on heads passing underneath. I think the time has come to lock children up 24 hours a day, and only let them out over the age of 18 in appropriate protective clothing.

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Take tea with tigers...

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What is the function of the first paragraph? The writer wants...
to create a certain atmosphere for the reader.
to describe the different aspects of a special park.
to draw attention to the dangers of the jungle.
to show the reader some unknown sides of cat-like animals.

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MOONLIGHT. Out of the trees steps a tiger. Orange coat, white belly, all griddled with stripes. Sprays of whiskers caught in the moonbeams. Massive paws. He strolls down
to the river, files his claw thoughtfully on a log, steps over it and slides into the water.

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What makes the Night Safari Park attractive to visitors, according to lines 1-12?
It gives them an opportunity to watch animals under unique conditions.
It has a collection of rare species that you will not find in other zoos.
It is situated in the middle of a big city.
It welcomes visitors nearly 24 hours a day.

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The Night Safari Park opens at 7.30pm as night falls and closes at midnight.
 Its inhabitants are the nocturnal creatures — otters, leopards, rhinos — which you never really see in a daylight zoo because they are curled up and snoring.

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“Even so, the old rules about animals still apply.” (lines 14 and 15) What does the writer want to point out?
Animals get lazy when everything is done for them.
Animals often do not behave in the way we expect them to.
These animals are still wild, so they can be quite dangerous.
These animals usually hate to perform tricks.

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ground to a halt because the first act (a large owl) refused to come on. The mutiny spread: a leopard failed to appear on its platform.

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“My advice is ...” (line 23)
What does Sophie Campbell’s advice come down to according to lines 23-25?
Don’t follow the crowd!
Enjoy the show!
Travel lightly!
Watch your step!

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My advice is to turn up at 9pm, avoid the show, always packed, and while everyone else is watching it, do one of the walking trails.

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“Save the planet - eat more ’roo.”

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fill in the gap, choose the right option (9)
cultivated foods
local wildlife
vegetarian kitchen
wild plants around

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fill in the gap, choose the right option
As a result
To sum up

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fill in the gap, choose the right option
financial profit
growth in consumption

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fill in the gap, choose the right option

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fill in the gap, choose the right option

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fill in the gap, choose the right option

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Text 7

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Je wilt met je vriend naar War of the Worlds. Je bestelt van tevoren telefonisch kaartjes voor deze film en vraagt je zus of zij deze kaartjes voor jou wil afhalen. Welke twee dingen moet je zus laten zien als ze de kaartjes afhaalt?

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 jouw creditkaart / de creditkaart gebruikt bij de boeking geschreven/schriftelijke toestemming/autorisatie

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