V5 reported speech and question tags; reading and speaking

Today's class
Can do

Be able to use question tags, so and neither (speaking exam skills) - 15 min 
(U37, ex. 62, p.166 = question tags)

Be able to use reported (indirect) speech (writing and speaking exam skill) - 10 min. 
(U.10, ex. 10, p. 34)

Be able to read a text strategically and comprehend the coherency between paragraphs and the global meaning of a text (reading exam skill) - 25 min.

Grammar In Progress: (time clauses)/indirect speech/question tags (Units 9/10/37)
1 / 19
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Today's class
Can do

Be able to use question tags, so and neither (speaking exam skills) - 15 min 
(U37, ex. 62, p.166 = question tags)

Be able to use reported (indirect) speech (writing and speaking exam skill) - 10 min. 
(U.10, ex. 10, p. 34)

Be able to read a text strategically and comprehend the coherency between paragraphs and the global meaning of a text (reading exam skill) - 25 min.

Grammar In Progress: (time clauses)/indirect speech/question tags (Units 9/10/37)

Slide 1 - Tekstslide


Use the questions tags to spark conversation/get
your classmate to agree with you on something

+, -
-, +

For "shall we", use "Let's ...." in the main clause

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Question tags
I love cheese, don't you?
I can't stand him, can you?
She didn't call him, did she?
He knows her secret, .... he?

Rule = 
+, -
repeat auxilliary or use do/does/did for lexical verbs

Used to spark conversation (-> of niet, toch, vind je ook niet?)

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So - to agree with a positive/affirmative statement

-> repeat the auxiliary (HWW)
-> in case of a lexical verb (ZWW), use do/does/did 
(depending on present simple/past simple/person)

I can dance really well! So can I!
She has done the best she could. So has he.
I went to Mallorca this summer. So did I.
He often goes clubbing. So ...she
They hate gossip magazines. So ... we.

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So - to agree with a negative statement (not, never in the sentence)

-> repeat the auxiliary without not (HWW)
-> in case of a lexical verb (ZWW), use do/does/did without not 
(depending on present simple/past simple/person)

I can't dance really well! Neither can I!
She hasn't done the best she could. Neither has he.
I didn't go on holiday his summer. Neither did I.
He never goes clubbing. Neither  ...she
They don't like gossip magazines.Neither ... we.

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Speaking about fashion
Pair work - ex. 1 - handout p. 70 - talk for a few minutes about questions 1-4. 
Use So/Neither to agree with positive/negative statements of your classmate

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Reading strategy for missing paragrapshs

The same or a word with a similar meaning (synonym) in the article and the missing paragraph

A noun in the article and its pronoun in the missing paragraph

A problem described in the article, a solution in the missing paragraph 

A logical development of the story

-> look at the previous/above paragraph first to connect it to the missing one; also check with the paragraph below

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Reading for coherence and global meaning  

Coherence = 
paragraphs connected in a natural/logical way

Global meaning =
overall meaning of the text

Individual task - 10-15 min.:
In the handout, do ex. 2:
Read the text "Talking clothes get our measure" on p. 70 
Use paragraphs A-G (one too many!) to fill in the gaps

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  1. C
  2. F
  3. A
  4. E
  5. D
  6. G

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1. C - any item of clothing could be programmed (article/ text above refers to different items of clothing that can be programmed)

2. F - pilot scheme (article/text above says to run a trial)

3. A - as they pass racks/interact with the device (article/text above talks about a portable device that shoppers carry)

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4. E - instead of loudspeakers, solution is a small earpiece (article/text above talks about shoppers being humiliated when clothes talk loudly/systems is designed to help/offer a solution

5. D - interested in the new possibilities this offers/relearn skills of making clothes (article/text above talks about made-to-measure clothing and translating 3-dimensional images onto 2-dimensional clothing patterns-  a skill lost)

6. G -  However, not just interest in the novel technology (article/text above talks about innovative technology)

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Pair work - Reported Speech 5 min.
Go to ex. 1 - Reported speech on the handout p. 72  -sentences 1-5

Work in pairs
Classmate A reads the direct speech statement

Classmate B gives the reported (indirect) speech statement &
encircles which verbs (and words) change

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Extra - Pair work - Question Tags/So/Neither 5 min.
Go to ex. the speaking exercise on p. 73

Discuss pictures A/B/C (formal, informal wear; unconventional wear) & use 
  • So (to agree with a positive statement)
  • Neither (to agree with a negative statement)
  • Question tags to spark discussion

The guy in picture C is wearing an outrageous tie, ... he? Yes he..../No he ....

Think up statements about fashion and the fashion industry, and use them with a question tag to discuss with your classmate
Stores should not sell cheap clothing made is sweat shops, should they?
Wearing preppy clothing is not your cup of tea, is it? 

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I can ....
You know how to use question tags, ...........you?

I love weekends. So.............

I have never been to Africa. Neither ........

"She passed the test yesterday" -> Reported speech: Mrs. B. said that she ......................

I know how to read more strategically to understand the global meaning of the text/insert the paragraphs. Yes or More Practice?

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HW next class
Study the grammar Units 1-10  

Study unit 37 and the irregular verbs in appendix I

Study the vocabulary ex. 1-25 - TEST ON WED OCT 18TH (CREATIVE WRITING)

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Indirect Speech - backshift

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Backshift - other changes
Direct speech: Go away!
Indirect speech: He told me to go away!

Imperative negative:
Direct speech: Don't leave!
Indirect speecht: He told me not to leave

Direct speech: Must 
Indirect speech: Had to 

Direct speech: Should/could/would/ought to/might
Indirect speech: the same! 

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Backshift - other changes

yesterday -> the day before
this week -> last week
today -> that day, the other day
tomorrow ->the next day, the following day
here -> there
last week -> the week before, the previous week

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