recap grammar - Practise Test - watching/listening

Starting Assignment
Complete the 4 exercises

Finished? Study words (book pages 88-91)

1 / 20
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Starting Assignment
Complete the 4 exercises

Finished? Study words (book pages 88-91)


Slide 1 - Tekstslide

At the end of this lesson, you can...
  • tell me which part(s) of the grammar you need to study some more
  • tell me which part(s) of the grammar you already understand (and maybe can help a classmate with)

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Wednesday, 12 March
L: words Blink pages 90
hh: words Blink 88&89
M: exercise 22 (workbook, page 18)

Thursday, 13 March
L: all words (p. 88 - 91)
hh: all grammar (p. 85 - 87)
M: exercise 23 (workbook, page 19)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Wednesday, 19 March
Test: Game Worlds

Thursday, 20 March
SO - watching/listening
You cannot study for this. It is similar to the first exercise of every test: short clips with questions

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

To do: Study lesson
  • Check starting assignment + recap grammar
  • check homework
  • practice test
  • watching/listening exercise

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Any (een paar)
1. vragen  (?)
2. ontkenningen (-)

1. Is there any food in the house?
2. The shops don't sell any clothing.

Some (een paar)
1. alle andere zinnen (+)
2. Bij vragen waarvan je verwacht dat het antwoord 'ja' is.
1. Here are some great ideas for summer fun
2. Shall I order some pizza?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

A lot of
Dat betekent 'veel'

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

  1. I have some friends in this city. (+)
  2. There are some apples in the basket. (+)
  3.  Can I have some milk in my coffee, please? (? ja)
  4.  She doesn't have any free time today. (-)
  5.  Do you have any pencils I can borrow? (?) (some ? ja)
  6.  There is some sugar left in the jar. (+)
  7.  He has some books on his shelf. (veel)
  8.  Are there any cookies left for me? (?)
  9.  I need some new shoes for school. (+)
  10.  There are some chairs in the room. (+)

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

  1. Is there any ice cream in the freezer? (?)
  2. He has some work to do before the deadline. (+)
  3.  Do you have any pets at home? (?)
  4.  She needs some help with her homework. (+)
  5.  There some of houses on this street. (+)
  6.  Can you give me any/some information about the event? (? / 'ja')
  7.  I have some questions about the assignment. (+)
  8.  Are there any oranges in the fridge? (?)
  9.  She has some of brothers and sisters. (+)

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Present Simple - samenvatting
wanneer? Bij een feit, gewoonte
He plays football every day / Hij voetbalt elke dag

- She/He/It            -rule = werkwoord + s
- medeklinker + y (fly) = werkwoord -ies (flies)
- klinker + y (stay)          = werkwoord + s (stays
- werkwoord eindigend op s-klank (watch) of -o (do) =                                                                        werkwoord +es (watches, does)

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Exercise 2
  1.  (to play) – She ___plays________ tennis every Saturday
  2.  (to watch) – They __watch________ TV in the evenings.
  3.  (to study) – He _____studies_______ Spanish at school.
  4.  (to eat) – We ___eat_______ lunch at 12 o’clock.
  5.  (to go) – She ___goes_______ to the gym three times a week.
  6.  (to read) – They ___read_______ books before bedtime.
  7.  (to work) – He ___works_______ as a teacher.
  8.  (to travel) – She ___travels_______ to different countries every summer.
  9. (to walk) – We ___walk_______ to school every morning.
  10.  (to cook) – They __cook________ dinner together on Sundays.
  11.  (to listen) – He ___listens_______ to music while he exercises.
  12.  (to speak) – She ___speaks_______ English fluently.
  13.  (to clean) – They ___clean_______ the house every weekend.
  14.  (to play) – We _____play_____ board games on Friday nights.
  15.  (to dance) – She ____dances______ ballet lessons twice a week.

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Exercise 3
  1. Big birds are flying ______over____ our heads.
  2. The snowy island is _______in the middle_________ of the ocean.
  3. Lara Croft is leaning ______against________ a wall.
  4. The farm is ___next to/behind_______ the petrol station.
  5. The shopping mall is _____next to/behind_____ the cinema.
  6. Lara jumps ____off____ a rock.
  7. The river starts _____at the foot____________ the mountain.
  8. I am tired ___of_______ listening to you.
  9. We are listening _____to_____ hiphop music.
  10. There is a river running _____through___________ the city.
  11. We are camping _______by________ the river.
  12. They are driving _____from________ the city to the countryside.

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She is a beautiful girl

She sings beautifully!

adverb (bijwoord)
I quickly finished the game.
You have to shout loudly!
If you walk quietly you won't wake the dragon.

Een bijwoord geeft informatie over een actie (werkwoord). Veel bijwoorden eindigen op -ly

maar... (4 uitzonderingen)
verb 'to be' ---> ly
good  goodly --> well
fast  fastly --> fast
hard  hardly --> hard

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Exercise 4
  1. She sings well when she practices.
  2. The car drives fast on the highway.
  3. He hit the ball hard but it didn't go very far.
  4. She answered the questions quickly.
  5. The movie was so exciting that everyone applauded at the end.
  6. He studied hard for the exam and got a high score.
  7. The cake tastes delicious.
  8. The dog barks loudly when someone knocks on the door.
  9. She speaks English fluently after living in England for a year.
  10. The cat climbed high up the tree. 
    (gaat niet over de manier waarop de kat klimt - instinker)

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Exercise 4
  1. He ran slowly because he had injured his leg.
  2.  The children played noisily in the park.
  3.  She dances beautifully in the ballet.
  4.  The teacher explained the lesson clearly so everyone understood.
  5.  The baby slept peacefully through the night.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

To do: Study lesson
  • Check starting assignment + recap grammar
  • check homework
  • mini break
  • practice test
  • watching/listening exercise

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

To do: Study lesson
  • Check starting assignment + recap grammar
  • check homework
  • mini break
  • practice test
  • watching/listening exercise
Mini break
You may:
Walk and talk
You may NOT:
leave the classroom, shout, touch other people or their stuff
When the timer goes off, you return to your seat and are ready to continue the lesson

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Practice test
  • answer in your NOTEBOOK - so you can do it again
  • alone - in duos
  • whisper
  • take it seriously  - so you know what you need to study
  • you may use your book - make a note that you need to study
  • finished? Raise your hand to get the answers


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Secret level - thanks Efe!

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Rate the topics in notebook  (1 = most difficult, 5 = least difficult)
  • words                    
  • some / any  / a lot of                                               
  • present simple
  • adverbs                                      
  • prepositions                             
Find out who thinks your
#1 is easy
Help eachother in W-U

*Also: Use grammar app!

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