Game worlds - lesson 4 (much many + uitleg adverbs)

Welcome 2A!
Get out your:
- English book 
- Notebook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Plenda
Get ready to start when the second bell rings!
1 / 14
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome 2A!
Get out your:
- English book 
- Notebook
- Pencil case (etui)
- Erase board (wisbordje)
- Plenda
Get ready to start when the second bell rings!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Starting assingment - in silence
Translate the words in brackets (tussen haakjes)


Slide 2 - Tekstslide

1. Are the Chinese going to conquer (veroveren) the world?
2. I’ll meet you outside the entrance (ingang) of the cinema in five minutes.
3. Pull up (optrekken) your jeans! Do you need a belt?
4. What is the difference (verschil) between a pub and a bar?
5. The wet (nat) and windy weather will continue to the weekend.
6. The air in a rain forest is humid (vochtig) and in a dessert it is dry.
7. Is there a statue (standbeeld) of Elvis Presley in London?
8. Landing a plane in foggy (mistig) weather is very challenging.
9. Don’t fall into the trap (val) of posting too much. People can find it irritating.
10. Perfection is not a realistic (realistisch) goal.
11. I love blueberries but I hardly ever (bijna nooit) buy them.
12. Tourists can climb the dome (koepel) of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
13. Adventurer Ross Edgley swam around the entire coast of the British Isles. It was an impressive (indrukwekkend) journey.
14. It all happened very quickly (snel), but there was no panic.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Today's programme
- some, any
- adverbs
- practise
(- film?)
At the end of this lesson you can tell me when you use some, and when you use any.
You can also tell me what an adverb is.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Wednesday, 7 November
Laptop lesson - bring headphones!
L: grammar 5 (prepositions - p. 86)
hh: grammar 2 (some, any, a lot of - p. 85)
        grammar 4 (adverbs - p.86)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

some or any?
Is there any food in the house?
The shops don't sell any clothing.
Shall I order some pizza?

Can you find the logic in these examples?
Discuss with your 'schoudermaatje'
(tip: wat voor soort zinnen zijn het?)

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Any (een paar)
1. vragen
2. ontkenningen

1. Is there any food in the house?
2. The shops don't sell any clothing.

Some (een paar)
1. alle andere zinnen
2. Bij vragen waarvan je verwacht dat het antwoord 'ja' is.
1. Here are some great ideas for summer fun
2. Shall I order some pizza?

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

A lot of
Dat betekent 'veel'

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

She is a beautiful girl

She sings beautifully!

Can you explain why it is 'beautiful' in the first sentence, and 'beautifully' in the second?
Discuss with your 'schoudermaatje'

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

She is a beautiful girl

She sings beautifully!

ad-verb (bijwoord)
I quickly finished the game.
You have to shout loudly!
If you walk quietly you won't wake the dragon.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

She is a beautiful girl

She sings beautifully!

ad-verb (bijwoord)
I quickly finished the game.
You have to shout loudly!
If you walk quietly you won't wake the dragon.

Een bijwoord geeft informatie over een actie (werkwoord). Veel bijwoorden eindigen op -ly

good  goodly --> ............?
fast  fastly --> .................?
hard  hardly --> ..............?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

1. some/any
is it a question - use blue
is it a negative sentence (don't) - use red
is it a 'normal' sentence - use green

2. adverbs
does it add to the verb? (zegt het iets over het werkwoord?)
do you have to add -ly, or is it an exception? (moet je -ly toevoegen, of is het een uitzondering?)

je mag zachtjes overleggen

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Check exercises

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Slide 14 - Link