plural nouns / articles

plural nouns / articles

no laptops needed for this lessonup, there are no questions :)
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

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plural nouns / articles

no laptops needed for this lessonup, there are no questions :)

Slide 1 - Tekstslide


I: Het meervoud van een zelfstandig naamwoord wordt gevormd door toevoeging van –s.

Uitzonderingen op deze regel zijn:
- -es na woorden die eindigen op een sis-klank, bijvoorbeeld watch, kiss, box, bus

- -es na woorden die eindigen op een –o, bijvoorbeeld tomato, hero, potato 

LET OP!!!!buitenlandse woorden volgen deze uitzondering niet, bijvoorbeeld photo, solo, piano,
kimono, pro, disco)

- -en, -ren in ox-oxen, child-children

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

PLURAL -Y / -F - changes in spelling

II: Sommige woorden veranderen van spelling:

- -y verandert in –ie na medeklinkers, bijvoorbeeld lady

- -f of –fe verandert in –ves, bijvoorbeeld loaf, thief, knife, calf, scarf, half, life, leaf 

(dit gebeurt niet bij chef, chief, handkerchief)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

PLURAL - Vowel change

III: Het meervoud van een aantal woorden wordt gevormd door klinkerverandering:


(Let op de verandering van -s in -c bij mouse en louse.)

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

PLURAL - no change
IV: Bij sommige woorden is de vorm van het enkelvoud gelijk aan die van het meervoud:
aircraft (vliegtuig), 
  • deer (hert),
  •  fish (vis),
  •  means (middel), 
  • series (serie), 
  • sheep, deer,
  • Swiss (Zwitser/Zwitsers),
  • works (fabriek). 
  • studies (study)
  • Alle woorden die eindigen op -ese: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, etc. = enkv/mv

The Swiss are fond of chocolate.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

  1. The man parks his car./The girl reads a newspaper.
  2. The men park their cars./The girls read newspapers
  3. The men park their car./The girls read a newspaper.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Indefinite article (a/an)

A -> use for words starting with a consonant sound (B/C/D/G/F/ etc. )
AN -> use for words starting with a vowel sound (A/E/I/O/U)


    AN HOUR -> starts with "au" sound = vowel sound

    A HORSE/HOUND ->  start with "h" sound (glottal fricative "h" = sound made by air "hissing" through vocal chords) 

    AN MP3 player -> starts with "e" sound = vowel sound

    A ONE ->  starts with "w" sound 

    Slide 7 - Tekstslide

    Indefinite article (a/an)
    Use indefinite article:
    •  PROFESSION, RANK, RELIGION ETC. (She's a doctor, He's a feminist, She's a Muslim)
    • After AS, WITH(OUT) (Don't leave without a jacket)
    • After THE PROFESSION OF, THE CAREER OF, THE TRADE OF (She's looking into a career as a bookkeeper)

    • Don't use a/an for plural nouns (Have you been able to find plants yet? Both sisters wanted to become surgeons)
    • Don't use for job positions that can only be held by ONE person (She wanted to become President. As captain of the team..)

    Slide 8 - Tekstslide

    Indefinite article (a/an)

    What a(n) + noun (for a singular noun that also has a plural form) 
    -> What a lovely day! What a great opportunity! What a great book!

    No a/an for these exclamations:
    -> What delicious wine! (wine-> no plural form) BUT WHAT A DELICIOUS GLASS OF WINE (GLASS = PLURAL FORM)
    -> What great books! Those were amazing opportunities! ( -> plural forms)

    But: What a pity! What a shame!

    Slide 9 - Tekstslide

    Indefinite article (a/an) before:
    •  PROFESSIONS, RELIGIONS  (She's a doctor, He's a feminist, She's a Muslim)
           BUT: if the profession is held by only ONE, then no "a" or "an" (He is President of the United States. He was Pope John
           the III. She was chairman of the board.)
    • EXPRESSION WITH PRICES/SPEED/DISTANCE/TIME ETC. (30 euros a kilo/7 pounds a piece/twice a year/ 100 km an hour -> "per")
    • A HUNDRED, A THOUSAND (This cost her a hundred euros.)
    • "WAT EEN .....!" -> onderscheid telbaar (countable = girls/trees/dogs etc.) en niet-telbaar (non-countable = love, hate, milk etc.)
          COUNTABLE NOUNS SINGULAR = A (What a beautiful girl!
          COUNTABLE NOUNS PLURAL = NO "A" (What beautiful girls!)
          NON-COUNTABLE = NO "A"  (What nonsense! What beautiful flowers! What delicious wine!)      
          But: What a pity! What a shame! -> these are simply fixed expressions
    • After AS, WITH(OUT) (Don't leave without a jacket)
    • Een (not "one") (This is the work of a child. This is the work of a genius.)   BUT: She doesn't have one, but two children.

      Slide 10 - Tekstslide

      NO "the" (definite article) before...
      • abstract nouns (love, life)

      • plural nouns GENERAL USE (bananas are expensive) N.B.: when referring to SPECIFIC bananas: use "the"

      • buildings referring to use (I go to school every day. He goes to church on Sunday)

      • names of meals when referring to time (after breakfast, before lunch, during supper)

      • names of seasons used in a general sense (Summer is the time for swimming, fun and laughter. But: The summer I remember best is ....

      • proper names + the name of a building/street/park etc. (Buckingham Palace, Central Park, 10 Downing Street)

      • Most / next / last (most people, next Friday, last week)

      Slide 11 - Tekstslide

      NO Definite article (the) & exceptions                      2/2

      • adjective (bijvoegelijk nmw.)  + proper name (eigen naam) (Victorian England, old Angus, medieval France)
      • Most / next / last (most people, next Friday, last week)
      • Man/woman/mankind/society when used in a general sense
      • superlative -> when it CANNOT be followed by a noun (She came in last. What I like best is spending my weekends with my family).

          when the superlative can be followed by a noun, use "the" (the latest news is .../the best soccer player of all times is/
           the greatest regret is ...)


      Slide 12 - Tekstslide

      Get to work!
      Chapters 4 and 5 in your reader

      Done? Study words! (or study for a different subject)

      Slide 13 - Tekstslide