Lesson 3: Materials & properties

Materials and properties
1 / 39
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 39 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 3 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Materials and properties

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Lesson goals
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
  • You will know about the text structure compare and contrast
  • You will know how to use and apply the present continuous form in a sentence.
  • You will learn about quantifiers.
  • You can use reading strategies to find relevant information when reading a compare and contrast text.
  • You can name the different materials that are used in the avaition industry 

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When do we use the present simple?
Daily routines and things we always, sometimes or never do.
Things that are happening at the moment?
Things that happened in the past.
Things that are temporary and happening around now.

Slide 3 - Quizvraag

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Present simple
He ..... (to call)

Slide 4 - Quizvraag

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Present simple
It ....... (to start) in 10 minutes.

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

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Which sentence is written in the present simple?
I am working at the moment.
He isn't working now.
I go to school every morning.
Are you working today?

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

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Present simple:
I am walking to school.
They walked to school.
We have walked to school.
He walks to school.

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

Present simple:
Rule Example
 Je gebruikt de tegenwoordige tijd (present simple)
als je het over het volgende hebt:
• feiten Water boils at 100 degrees.
• gewoontes I usually get up at 6.30.
• toekomst als je een rooster/tijdschema/programma hebt ;The train leaves at 7.30.
• levendig beschrijving/dramatisch effect;
In 1099 William conquers England
Altijd hele werkwoord behalve SHIT: +S
I walk -> He walks


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Compare and contrast
What do you have to do when you reading a compare and contrast text:
  • The reader or author explains how one or more things are alike and/ or how they are different
  • Details can be in any order in a text
  • The text can focus on one thing or the other (or even both)

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Slide 10 - Video

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Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Practice 1

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Practice 2

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Practice 3

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Compare and contrast

Slide 18 - Woordweb

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Exercise 1: Reading/Compare & Contrast
A) Read the lyrics of the following two songs/ poems about …..
B) Students must use the Compare and contrast  (Venn diagram) graphic organizers to find and list the similarities in a DJI phantom 4 and Mavic pro
C) Students must list the contrast mentioned in the review.

** Highlight the similarities and differences***

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Grammar - Quantifiers

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Exercise 2: Present conitnuous
  • Go to exercise 2 and complete A to E 

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Exercise 2a: Answers
1. My son is talking on the phone right now.
2. Are you sleeping?
3. Jason is doing his homework at the moment.
4. Tom is working on a project nowadays.
5. My kids are playing in the garden now.
6. Some people are waiting to talk to you.
7. My wife is not cooking today.
8. Is Lucas studying for his exam right now?

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Exercise 2b: Answers
1. Will you please be quiet? I am trying / I'm trying to do my homework.
2. (on the phone) Can I phone you later? We are / we're just eating our dinner.
3. Could you stop the car, please? I am feeling / I'm feeling sick.
4. (on the phone) Can I take a message? Ray is taking  a shower at the moment.
5. Is it OK if we take a taxi? I am having / I'm having problems with my car today.
6. (on the phone) Would you start cooking dinner? I am leaving / I'm leaving the office now.

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Exercise 2c: Answers

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Exercise 2d: Answers

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Exercise 2e: Answers

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Exercise 3: Composites - Materials of the future
You are going to watch the following video about "Composites in aviation" (check Canvas for video)
Go to exercise 3 (in your reader) and answer the following questions correctly!
Are you done with ex. 3? Continue with ex. 4


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Slide 34 - Video

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Exercise 3: Answers
  1. No, Joseph Swan & Thomas Edison (1920-1930) already used carbonizing plant threads like cotton, bamboo or wood. ​
  2. Oil. ​
  3. Hars. ​
  4. The carbon fibers are only strong in one direction. By placing layer over layer the material becomes nearly indestructible. ​
  5. Composite materials are 40% lighter than traditional materials like aluminum. This results in fuel reduction, which is one of the biggest challenges in space travel. 

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Exercise 4: Answers
  1. Wood ​
  2. Aluminum​
  3. Steel​
  4. Titanium​
  5. Composites 

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Slide 37 - Video

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Homework for next week is...
Complete the homework for next week
Check your planner for more details

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Slide 39 - Tekstslide

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