WEEK 2 - Periode 3

1 / 13
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Today's plan

  • Schrijf Examen W7
  • Writing a review
  • Deviant ex.
  • Worksheet

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  • Writing using prior knowledge + learning to express thoughts on paper.

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writing a review

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What type of reviews are there?
  • Film reviews
  • Product reviews
  • Experience reviews
  • Book reviews
  • Written reviews
  • Spoken/verbal reviews
  • Video reviews

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Review topics
- books
- films
- games
- stores

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Why do people write reviews?
Work in pairs and try to come up with as many reasons why you would write a postive/negative review about something.

Think of 
  • Games
  • Films
  • Experiences

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Why do people write reviews?
  • To inform
  • To help others make a choice
  • To express feelings (positive/negative)
  • To help improve
  • To warn

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What type of language do we use for a review?
  • Descriptive language
  • Sense language
  • Opinion (I think, I like, I disliked)
  • Present tense/Past tense
  • Formal/Informal language
  • Recommendation

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writing a review about a product

Points that should be included in your review:

- a title
- introduction with the name of the product
- what did you like about it and why?
- what didn't you like about it and why?
- conclusion, would you recommend it to others?

Make sure to use a title and paragaphs. 

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Review Structure
Title --> Use the name of whatever you are reviewing
Introduction --> Start with a question that will engage readers & give some details what you are going to review
1st body paragraph --> Discuss one of the points in the brief
2nd body paragraph -->  Discuss one of the points in the brief
Conclusion --> Your recommendation + final sentence to round things off.  

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Go to Deviant --> Case 5 --> Task 1 --> EX 5, 6, 7 & 8

Make the worksheet about irregular verbs and check your answers.

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See you next week!

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