Week 43-1 & 2

  • CP1 - 15 mins 
  • Essay theory: recap 5-10 mins
  • How to plan: 10-15 mins

  • I know my strengths and weaknesses for the next CP
  • I understand and can explain the concept of PLAN
  • I can apply PLAN to prepare an essay
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

  • CP1 - 15 mins 
  • Essay theory: recap 5-10 mins
  • How to plan: 10-15 mins

  • I know my strengths and weaknesses for the next CP
  • I understand and can explain the concept of PLAN
  • I can apply PLAN to prepare an essay

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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  • Vocabulary
    - niet centraal bespreken
    - woorden die niet in de lijst stonden
    maar wel goed waren zijn goed gerekend

  • Vragen over jouw toets?
  • Schrijf met poltlood op het toetsblad, bij de betreffende vraag.
  • Zet een uitroepteken op de voorkant van je toets.

  • Vocabulary - niet centraal
  • Grammar - wel centraal
  • Na afloop: evaluatie toets op Classroom.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Grammar - Irregular verbs
  • catch - caught - caught
  • fly - flew - flown
  • hear - heard - heard
  • lay - laid - laid
  • tear - tore - torn
  • ride - rode - ridden
  • lie - lay - lain
  • bet - bet - bet
  • lend - lent - lent
  • choose - chose - chosen

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Grammar present time
  1. present simple > habit
  2. present continuous > trend
  3. present continuous  > currently going on
  4. present simple > fact
  5. present simple > habit
  6. present continuous > annoyance
  7. present simple > habit

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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present perfect, past simple, present perfect continuous
  1. present perfect continuous > it's been going on for a while
  2. present perfect > focus on result,
    past simple > it was definitely in the past
  3. present perfect > started in the past, still going on,
    past simple > last summer
  4. present perfect continuous > focus on action, duration
  5.  past simple > "when I left school",
    present perfect and present perfect continous both correct

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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Possessive forms
  1. teachers' > plural ending in s, people
  2. people's > plural not ending in s, people
  3. OK
  4. this morning's > singular, time 
  5. four hours' or four-hour > singular, time, duration
  6. OK
  7. dog's leash > singular, dog not a thing

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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Linking words
  1. tegenstelling
  2. tegenstelling
  3. conclusie
  4. toevoeging
  5. toevoeging
  6. oorzaak
  7. gevolg
  8. oorzaak
Please go to classroom, complete the evaluation

(under "Grammar")

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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Roll the die and answer the question
  1. = How many paragraphs does an opinion essay have and what should each paragraph be about?
  2. = What is a thesis statement?
  3. = If you were to give your classmates two tips on writing a thesis statement, which two tips would you give them?
  4. = What should you write in the conclusion of your essay?
  5. = Why are linking words used when writing an essay? Give 5 examples of linking words that can be used in an opinion essay.
  6. = What makes a good title?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Plan your line of argumentation
  • Pick a side
  • List reasons
  • Add examples
  • Narrow down your thesis

Think about this statement:
Should games be used to spread the news?

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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Visible line of argumentation: Should we play the news?

The BBC has recently published a game of war, but not a Call of Duty kind of game. The Syrian Journey is about the horrible ordeal the refugees have to undergo to get to a safe haven, Europe. Is it OK though, to make a game about such serious issue? In my opinion it is. We should embrace games as a new medium of exploring serious subject matters.  
First of all, unlike traditional news media, games can give you a better perspective on the subject matter. Because of its interactive features, a newsgame like the Syrian Journey puts you right in the refugees’ shoes. You get to relive their stories and their troubles instead of hearing about them from an old boring anchorman. 
Secondly, newsgames can broaden the audience. It is well-known that younger generations are getting less and less interested in old-fashioned news broadcasts. In the age of technological advances, it is almost impossible to expect youngsters to engage with the news in the same way the older generation do. By making news stories more interactive, teens are more likely to follow the current news. 

To sum up, games should find their way in the broadcasting industry because they bring many advantages. They allow you to feel the news and be in it. They also attract a wider audience. While some still have to get used to it, in future, playing the news could be just as normal as reading the news.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Should games be used to spread the news?
Pick a side

List reasons

Add examples

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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Check yourself

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Topical issue: should students in secondary
education wear face masks at school?
How to wear a facemask safely
Corona virus U turn news (25 augustus)

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Watch the clip and take notes.
What are reasons and examples?
For? Against?
Plan your line of argumentation
  • Pick a side
  • List reasons
  • Add examples
  • Narrow down your thesis

Think about this statement:
Should students in secondary education wear face coverings at school?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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