1HTC Week 17 Les 1+2 (Discuss Test Unit 5/Unit 6.1 ; vocabulary )

Week 17: lesson 1 (Discuss test unit 5 /Unit 6.1 Vocabulary; life ambitions)
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
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In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

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Week 17: lesson 1 (Discuss test unit 5 /Unit 6.1 Vocabulary; life ambitions)

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Last lesson

Test Unit 5

This lesson

You can recognize and point out the mistakes you made in your last test

Lesson goals

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Lesson plan 
1. Discuss Test Unit 5
2. Work in unit 6.1 (homework)
3. Did we achieve our lesson goals?

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Test Unit 5

I will hand out your papers, so you can check your results yourself.
After this we will discuss the test, so you can learn from your mistakes for next time :)

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Test Unit 5

Now please hand back your tests. Pass them to the one in front of you

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Unit 6.1 Vocabulary (talk about life ambitions)
Go to p.74 of your book

What does "18 things to do at 18" mean?

Now do ex. 2

You have 3 minutes & you work alone

Finished early?
Do ex. 8

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Unit 6.1 Vocabulary (talk about life ambitions)

Now let's watch and check your answers.
After this we'll do ex. 4

Finished early?
Do ex. 8

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Unit 6.1 Vocabulary (talk about life ambitions)

Now do exercise 5, 6 & 9

You have 18 minutes & 
you work alone
this will be your homework for after the holiday!

Finished early?
Do ex. 1 till 5 of Vocabulary Booster 6.1;  (p.122)

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Lesson goals:

You can recognize and point out the mistakes you made in your last test

Homework (for tomorrow):

Finish ex. 4-6 of Unit 5.1


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Time left?  Let's play Kahoot!

 Enter the game PIN that I will show you now

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Last 5 minutes 
of the lesson

- Stay seated till the bell goes
- Write down homework
- Pack your bag 

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